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Rescue Operation Underway for Five People Trapped in Cave

News Rescue Operation Underway for Five People Trapped in Cave


Cave rescuers from Postojna, Ljubljana and Novo mesto are among dozens of personnel trying to bring the five people to safety. A news conference was held at midday with an update on the rescue effort.

Orthodox churches celebrate Christmas Eve

News Orthodox churches celebrate Christmas Eve


Major Orthodox chruches celebrate Christmas Eve - from Russia to Serbia and Montenegro

Gehaltserhöhung für Richter kommt - mit Verzögerung

News Gehaltserhöhung für Richter kommt - mit Verzögerung


Justizministerin Švarc Pipan kündigt Erhöhung der Richtergehälter mit Verzögerung an und lehnt Rücktrittsforderungen ab.

Abschluss der Vierschanzentournee in Bischofshofen

News Abschluss der Vierschanzentournee in Bischofshofen


Für den letzten Bewerb qualifiziert sind fünf slowenische Springer.

Judges to go on a 14-day work-to-rule strike

News Judges to go on a 14-day work-to-rule strike


Judges have decided to go on a work-to-rule strike from January 10 to January 24,  to pressure the government into implementing a Constitutional Court decision on their pay.

Čalušić nominated for agriculture minister

News Čalušić nominated for agriculture minister


Prime Minister Robert Golob has officially nominated Freedom Movement MP Mateja Čalušić as the agriculture minister.

Judges symbolically stop work for one hour

News Judges symbolically stop work for one hour


Judges have not ruled out further measures to protest the fact that salaries have not been raised in line with a constitutional court decision.

Nika Prevc fliegt erneut allen davon

News Nika Prevc fliegt erneut allen davon


Nika Prevc ist im neuen Jahr noch ungeschlagen

Prosecutors joined judges in token strike today

News Prosecutors joined judges in token strike today


Slovenian prosecutors joined judges in a one-hour strike today to protest the government's failure to align their pay with top officials.

Prevc dominates women's ski jumping event in Villach

News Prevc dominates women's ski jumping event in Villach


Slovenian ski jumper Nika Prevc dominated the World Cup event in Villach today, leading by a significant margin of 26 points over second-placed Austrian Eva Pinkelnig. This win also secured Prevc the top spot in the overall standings.

Ljubljana bracing itself for large traffic jams

News Ljubljana bracing itself for large traffic jams


The project will result in significant delays and cause closures on one of Ljubljana's main thoroughfares.

Lanišek gewinnt Neujahrsspringen

News Lanišek gewinnt Neujahrsspringen


Anže Lanišek hat heute das Neujahrsspringen in Garmisch-Partenkirchen im Rahmen der 72. Vierschanzentournee für sich entschieden.

Slovenia joins UN Security Council

News Slovenia joins UN Security Council


Slovenia has begun a two-year stint on the UN Security Council at a particularly challenging time.

Slovenia preparing for 2024

News Slovenia preparing for 2024


Slovenia and the world are getting ready to ring in 2024.

Port of Koper has record-breaking year

News Port of Koper has record-breaking year


Traffic continues to move through the port of Koper, which broke records this year.

Green light for the Golden Fox in Kranjska Gora

News Green light for the Golden Fox in Kranjska Gora


Despite a lack of snow this season's World Cup Golden Fox races will be held in Kranjska Gora on the 6th and 7th of January.

Neujahrsansprache der Staatspräsidentin

News Neujahrsansprache der Staatspräsidentin


Staatspräsidentin Nataša Pirc Musar rief die Bürgerinnen und Bürger Slowenienes zu Menschlichkeit, Freundlichkeit und Solidarität auf.

Finance goes digital

News Finance goes digital


The newspaper is the first major Slovenian daily to make the switch to digital only.

Slovenia marks Independence and Unity Day

News Slovenia marks Independence and Unity Day


Slovenia celebrates Independence and Unity Day on the 26th of December to commemorate the official proclamation of the 1990 independence referendum.

26. Dezember ist der Tag der Selbstständigkeit und Einigkeit

News 26. Dezember ist der Tag der Selbstständigkeit und Einigkeit


Der Staatsfeiertag erinnert an die Verkündung der offiziellen Resultate der Volksabstimmung von 1990

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