Ker želimo, da dokumentarno zgodbo spozna tudi mednarodna javnost, objavljamo še angleško različico filma.
Television Slovenia in partnership with the National Institute of Biology present the film about one of the most »hot spot« of biological diversity on the planet, Costa Rica.
When the mainland, that represents also today's territory of Costa Rica, raised from the sea three million years ago, it connected two continents. That flared up one of the most variegated biological spots on Earth. Nowhere in the world there are as many habitats as in Costa Rica., this small country on the bridge from North to South America. The territory takes over just the twice of Slovenian territory but there lives almost 5 % of total world's biodiversity.
Costa Rica's intact rainforest is home for 500.000 plant and animal species. Among them we find those on the top of the list of the endangered species, like for example, Macao, the popular parrot.
The film tells the story about the formation of the tropic rainforest. In the wild “nest”, heart of it’s wilderness hides many miracles. Through the tropical fauna and flora we travel together with the two experts: prof. dr. Marina Dermastia from National Institute of Biology and prog. Dr. Tom Turk form the Faculty of Biotechnology of Ljubljana University.
It’s been many years now since they have been guiding the professional student groups to this paradise on Earth.