Ker želimo, da dokumentarno zgodbo spozna tudi mednarodna javnost, objavljamo še angleško različico filma.
Television Slovenia in partnership with the National Institute of Biology present the film about one of the most »hot spot« of biological diversity on the planet, Costa Rica.
This is the film about the reforesting of the tropical devastated landscape, that takes place now, is the biggest challenge for the science/researching team in the heart of rainforest in La Gamba.
The life in Costa Rica was strongly marked by the American corporation United Fruit Company (UFC). For the benefit of the banana plantation and the intense cattle breeding they cleared large forest areas to just 25% of the primal forest. The tropical habitats were lost and tropical living environment was ruined.
When UFC left, many deserted plantations pressed Costa Rica to large unemployment. But the country found the way out: they plant palm oil trees and pine apple instead and with the help of the international NOG's started to reforest the region.
The secondary tropical island became biological corridor's where the plants and the animals can pass from one place to another.
As the tropical ecosystem is home for 85% of living species, as well as those forests are the lungs of the planet - for example, one tropical tree absorbs almost 12 kilos of the carbon dioxide...