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Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - BicikeLJ marks 10 years

17. 5. 2021

Ljubljana's bicycle sharing system, BicikeLJ, marked its 10th anniversary on the 12th of May. From 30 stations and 300 bicycles in the first year, BicikeLJ now has 73 stations and 730 bicycles. Officials says these numbers will continue to grow, as around 17% of Ljubljana's population now uses BicikeLJ. Photo: MMC RTV SLO

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT, 12 May: Coldplay premiere song with link-up to ISS

12. 5. 2021

Poglobljena informativna rubrika v angleškem jeziku, ki predoči tedensko aktualno dogajanje v Sloveniji in svetu.

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - Longest pedestrian suspension bridge opens

10. 5. 2021

The longest suspension bridge in the world opened in Portugal. It spans over the Paiva River in the Arouca Geopark and is 516 meters long. Photo: Reuters

Spotlight Spotlight - Matura exams started on Tuesday

5. 5. 2021

Spotlight - Matura exams started on Tuesday

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - Call for live cultural events

3. 5. 2021

There were live performances from balconies on Thursday, as part of a pro-culture campaign calling for a return of live cultural events. 25 cultural institutions across the country joined the campaign, initiated by Narodni Dom Maribor. Photo: Facebook/Narodni Dom Maribor

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - Covid restrictions eased

26. 4. 2021

As the Covid-19 situation in Slovenia continues to improve, hotels reopen their doors today. Bars and restaurants can serve guests indoors again. Meanwhile on Friday the government allowed the opening of movie theatres, theatres, galleries, libraries, and the holding of religious gatherings. The ban on crossing municipalities was also lifted on Friday. Photo: BoBo

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT, 21 Apr: Low interest in vaccination among high-school graduates in Slovenia

21. 4. 2021

Poglobljena informativna rubrika v angleškem jeziku, ki predoči tedensko aktualno dogajanje v Sloveniji in svetu.

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - Taxi drivers against Uber

19. 4. 2021

Government-proposed changes to the Road Transport Act have resulted in heated debates. Taxi drivers and unions are on their feet, strongly opposing changes that would open the door for ride-hailing platforms such as Uber and accuse the government of corruption. Meanwhile Infrastructure Minister Jernej Vrtovec said the goal is to make transport services cheaper and more modern. Photo: BoBo

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT Apr 14th: Slovenian chapter of Future Females opened in Ljubjana

14. 4. 2021

Future Females is a platform for female entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs that provides digitally, physically, and emotionally supportive environment, where women around the globe can connect with each other and access the resources they need to succeed. The initiative recently opened its Slovenian chapter. We talked to the chapter's founder and ambassador Tjaša Strle.

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - Schools open again

12. 4. 2021

Children returned to schools and kindergartens today. That, after an 11-day lockdown, to slow down the spread of Covid-19. The government is now looking into the idea of introducing Covid-19 self-testing for older pupils and students. Photo: BoBo

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT, 7 Apr: 22 Mummified Pharaohs Moved to New Museum in Majestic Parade

7. 4. 2021

Over the weekend, Egypt held a gala parade celebrating the transport of 22 royal mummies from central Cairo to their new resting place. Security was tight, with authorities closing off major streets and intersections all along the route for the slow-moving vehicles. The Tourism and Antiquities Ministry live-streamed the Pharaoh's Golden Parade on social media platforms. Photo by Reuters

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - Covid passport debates

5. 4. 2021

As world leaders stand ready to make Covid vaccine passports official, debates about how efficient the measure will be and its lawfulness continue. In the UK 70 MPs from different parties have joined forces to oppose covid-passports. They say the move would be divisive and discriminatory. Meanwhile accross the Atlantic Ocean, the US state of Florida has banned the use of Covid vaccine passports. The governor said requiring vaccine passports would create two classes of citizens, infringe individual freedoms, and invade privacy. At the same time Covid vaccines, vaccine passports and fake negative tests and vaccine certificates, are all being sold on the darknet. Photo: Shutterstock

Spotlight Spotlight - Eleven-day lockdown will begin

31. 3. 2021

Spotlight - Eleven-day lockdown will begin

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - Post-pandemic intimacy

29. 3. 2021

Social distancing rules have forced most aspects of life online. Work, education, concerts, dating, and even sex. The team at Raspberry Dream Labs – an alternative reality platform – says cyber sex is here to stay, even in a post-pandemic world. Photo: Pixabay

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT Mar 26th: Country-wide curfew now from 10 PM to 5 AM

26. 3. 2021

The country-wide curfew has been shortened to between 10 PM and 5 AM starting today. Also coming into force today are inter-regional travel restrictions in three red-coded regions. Photo: Rok Omahen

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT, 24 Mar: Former President Türk Talks EU-US Relations

24. 3. 2021

Poglobljena informativna rubrika v angleškem jeziku, ki predoči tedensko aktualno dogajanje v Sloveniji in svetu.

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - Olympics with no international fans

22. 3. 2021

International fans will not be allowed to attend the postponed 2020 Tokyo Olympics Games. Organizers say the move will help ensure "a safe and secure Games for all participants and the Japanese public". For the first time ever the Games were postopned last year due to Covid-19, and are now scheduled to start on the 23rd fo July. Photo: Reuters

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT, Mar 19th: EU commission plans travel certificate rollout before summer

19. 3. 2021

Poglobljena informativna rubrika v angleškem jeziku, ki predoči tedensko aktualno dogajanje v Sloveniji in svetu.

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - Biden announces Independence Day from Covid-19

15. 3. 2021

US President Joe Biden says this year's 4th of July will be "Independence Day" from Covid-19. Photo: Reuters

Spotlight Spotlight - EU parliament lifts former Catalan leader's immunity

10. 3. 2021

Spotlight - EU parliament lifts former Catalan leader's immunity

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