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Spotlight SPOTLIGHT, 25 Jan: Snow and wind cause inconvenience across Slovenia

25. 1. 2023

Poglobljena informativna rubrika v angleškem jeziku, ki predoči tedensko aktualno dogajanje v Sloveniji in svetu.

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT: Birds Around Us campaign kicks off today

23. 1. 2023

Do you know which species are most common in your own backyard? The Slovenian Bird Observation and Study Society (DOPPS) this year again invites you to participate in this year's Birds Around Us campaign and this week observe the birds that appear in settlements in winter.

Spotlight An interview with Ladeja Godina Košir of Circular Change

23. 1. 2023

Rsi Exclusive. Oddaja je pripravljena s finančno podporo Evropske komisije v okviru projekta Misija – mlada kohezija. Za vsebino je odgovorno uredništvo in ne nujno odraža stališč Unije.

Spotlight Spotlight - Parliament held discussion on animal rights

18. 1. 2023

Spotlight - Parliament held discussion on animal rights

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - French pension reform brings protests

16. 1. 2023

Last week the French government said it plans to raise the retirement age. The plan, according to which people will have to work two years longer, will gradually raise the retirement age to 64, by the year 2030. A full pension will only be given to those with 43 years of work. However details about the plan have triggered an angry response from the unions, which have already announces strikes across the country.

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT, 11 Jan: Breakthrough discovery by Slovenian archaeologist

10. 1. 2023

A group of researchers led by Slovenian archaeologist Ivan Šprajc made a breakthrough discovery on the Mayan calendar. Their study showed that the Mayan timekeeping system is hundreds of years older than previous research indicated. They found that it might have originated as early as 1100 BC.

Spotlight Spotlight - Croatia joins Schengen and Eurozone

4. 1. 2023

Spotlight - Croatia joins Schengen and Eurozone

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT, 28 Dec: Innovative living solution resembling honeycomb

25. 12. 2022

The House of the Carniolan Honey Bee in Višnja Gora includes the ApiLab Innovation Technology Centre of innovative beekeeping technologies and for the development of entrepreneurship. The place encourages the young people's innovative approaches to learning about the importance of bees. Its beehive-style hostel shows a completely new approach to dealing with public space, defying challenges we might be facing in terms of design.   ON AIR at 10:25am.  IMPORTANT: The contents of the latest edition of SPOTLIGHT (as part of RTV Slovenia's 'Misija Mlada kohezija'/'Mission Young Cohesion' project) were made possible with financial support from the EU. Responsibility for the contents lies entirely with the author/editorship, and it does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - Construction of biggest radio telescope begins

12. 12. 2022

A launching ceremony for the Square Kilometre Array project - or 'SKA' - took place in South Africa. The project is co-hosted with a similar facility in Australia. When completed the two sites in South Africa and Australia will connect to form one giant telescope. The $3 billion construction is likely to take six years to build. Photo: EPA

Spotlight Radio Si Exclusive - Promoting EU's shift towards a green economy to the young

27. 11. 2022

We talk to Assistant Professor Marius Mensah, Ph. from the Law Faculty at the University of Maribor, who heads an EU Commission funded Jean Monnet Module for research into sustainability and cultural heritage. We touch on the topics of sustainable development, local entrepreneurship and green economy. We learn that teaching the young about heritage triggers sustainable tourism and empowers local municipalities, which leads to green economy practices in the local business environment. * The show was prepared with the financial support of the European Commission within the framework of the On A Mission - Young Cohesion project. The editorship is responsible for the content which does not necessarily reflect the views of the EU.

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - Arctic tensions

18. 11. 2022

The melting glaciers and shrinking ice caps are opening up new sea lanes and resources in the north. The Arctic is becoming strategically more and more important. The melting of the sea ice is unlocking new opportunities, but also creating new tensions… between Nato's allies and Russia. Photo: EPA

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT, 16 Nov: Slovenia elects its first female president

16. 11. 2022

Nataša Pirc Musar, a 54-year-old lawyer, was elected Slovenia's first woman president in Sunday's run-off with almost 54% of the vote. She defeated former Foreign Minister Anže Logar. In her first address, Pirc Musar said she would work hard for human rights and democracy in her term.

Spotlight Spotlight - Festival Enimation 2022

9. 11. 2022

Spotlight - Festival Enimation 2022

Spotlight EU Spotlight 4.11.2022 A discussion with the mayor of Škofja Loka

4. 11. 2022

Poglobljena informativna rubrika v angleškem jeziku, ki predoči tedensko aktualno dogajanje v Sloveniji in svetu.

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT, 2 Nov: New coins featuring King Charles III in production

31. 10. 2022

Production of the first circulating British coins featuring an image of King Charles III began at the Royal Mint facilities in Wales last week. The first coin bearing a portrait of King Charles is a memorial 50 pence honouring Queen Elizabeth II, which will go into public circulation in December.

Spotlight EU SPOTLIGHT - Project Lost &Found

28. 10. 2022

EU SPOTLIGHT - Project Lost &Found

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - EU leaders discuss energy crisis and gas price caps

21. 10. 2022

EU leaders backed the European Commission plans for a “temporary dynamic price corridor on natural gas transactions”, as well as joint gas purchasing and solidarity rules among EU countries facing an emergency. Laws to make all this happen still have to be negotiated, but EU's Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said the steps made are a clear roadmap for the future. However, there was no final decision on an EU price cap on Russian natural gas, due to energy concerns by some EU countries. Photo: Reuters

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT, 19 Oct: Fresh - Day of New Slovenian Music

19. 10. 2022

The music editors of Radio Maribor, Radio Si and Television Maribor have again chosen ten songs that made the best impression on listeners in the last year and competed for the title of Best New Slovenian Music. The final event took place at the Grand Hall of SNG Maribor theatre. The songs were presented in fresh musical arrangements by the Big Band of RTV Slovenia.

Spotlight RSI EXCLUSIV - Discover Slovenia in FAZ 09.10.2022

18. 10. 2022

RSI EXCLUSIV - Discover Slovenia in FAZ 09.10.2022

Spotlight SPOTLIGHT - Rob Rosenthal, podcasts and storytelling

17. 10. 2022

A short talk with Rob Rosenthal, a teacher of audio storytelling and one of the top experts for podcasts in the US. He visited Slovenia for a radio storytelling workshop and also took part at the Avdiofestival in Ljubljana.

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