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On demand • slowene

Dave's challenge: Let's learn Slovene 304 - Last exam

7. 11. 2022

Aaaaah, a happy moment for our couple. Dave finally finished his LAST EXAM – ZADNJI IZPIT at the ...

Dave's challenge: Let's learn Slovene 303 - Life insurance

4. 11. 2022

Dave and Fani are thinking about getting a LIFE INSURANCE policy or ŽIVLJENJSKO ZAVAROVANJE that ...

Dave's challenge: Let's learn Slovene 302 - Young parents dining out

2. 11. 2022

Young parents! Max Conor is with a BABYSITTER – VARUŠKA for the first time. Dave and Fani went ...

Study abroad STUDY ABROAD: Jakub speaks almost fluent Slovene after spending only three months in Ljubljana (10.01.2022)

10. 1. 2022

It is, however true that he already spoke two other Slavic languages before coming to Slovenia. ...

Dave's challenge: Let's learn Slovene 301 - New car

31. 10. 2022

With the new baby Fani and Dave have decided it’s time for a BIGGER CAR - VEČJI AVTO, a MINIVAN ...

Dave's challenge: Let's learn Slovene 300 - Vraže

28. 10. 2022

Looks like Dave is not SUPERSTITIOUS – VRAŽEVEREN at all. But he learned some new words: ITCHY ...

Dave's challenge: Let's learn Slovene 299 - Chess

26. 10. 2022

Today’s chess lesson didn’t go according to Dave’s plan. In the end it was Fani that did the ...

Dave's challenge: Let's learn Slovene 298 - Coffee machine

24. 10. 2022

It seems that Dave really likes the new COFFEE MACHINE - KAVNI APARAT. And he learned some handy ...

Kako postaneš Slovenec / How to become Slovene KAKO POSTANEŠ SLOVENEC / HOW TO BECOME A SLOVENE 9.11.

9. 11. 2020

10. epizoda: Kako se pogovarjaš o politiki / How to talk about politics

Dave's challenge: Let's learn Slovene 297 - Ka te češ

20. 10. 2022

Slovene is not as easy as it seems and it can be COMPLICATED - KOMPLICIRANO, especially when you ...

Dave's challenge: Let's learn Slovene 296 - Baby's 1st visit to Prekmurje

17. 10. 2022

Max Connor is in Prekmurje for the first time. He met his GRANDMOTHER – BABICA and GRANDFATHER ...

Dave's challenge: Let's learn Slovene 295 - Happy family

13. 10. 2022

It looks like Dave is handling his “dad job’s” pretty well, huh? He knows how to make the ...

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