Predjamski grad nedaleč od znamenite Postojnske jame je zagotovo najbolj slikovit grad na Slovenskem. Osupljiva stvaritev, vgrajena v 123 metrov visoko skalno steno že stoletja buri domišljivo. Njen skriti zaklad so odkrili pred manj kot tremi desetletji. Stvaritve arhitekta Jožeta Plečnika srečamo po številnih evropskih mestih. Slovensko prestolnico pa je zaznamoval tako močno, da govorimo o Plečnikovi LJubljani. Za arhitekturni biser 20. stoletja velja tudi njegova hiša v Trnovem. Andreja Peklar je slikarka, ilustratorka in avtorica otroških slikanic. Njene ilustracije bogatijo tudi učbenike in revije za otroke in mladino. Je dobitnica številnih zelo uglednih domačih in mednarodnih nagrad in priznanj. Tišina, mir in lepa, neokrnjena narava je tisto, kar iščejo obiskovalci kraške planote Vremščica. Z njenega vrha ob jasnem vremenu seže pogled vse od vrhov Julijskih Alp do Jadranskega morja. Na prostranih travnikih in pašnikih spomladi zacvetijo značilne gorske in sredozemske rastline. Zopet pa se sliši glas ovc. V otroških slikanicah so polži upodobljeni kot ljubke počasne živali. V resnici jih vidimo povsem drugače. Iz svojih vrtov pa jih predvsem preganjamo. Za znanstvenike so ti mehkužci zelo zanimiva bitja. V Sloveniji živi več kot 400 različnih vrst polžev. Najdemo pa jih prav povsod – tudi v podzemlju. *** Predjama Castle in the vicinity of the famous Postojna Cave is undeniably the most picturesque castle in Slovenia. The stunning construction, built into a 123-metre-high rock face, has been stirring the imagination for centuries. Its hidden treasure was discovered less than three decades ago. Architect Jože Plečnik’s creations can be seen in many European cities, but the mark he left on the Slovenian capital was so strong that we refer to it as Plečnik’s Ljubljana. His house in Ljubljana’s Trnovo district, which is also considered an architectural pearl of the 20th century, is not only a museum but also an important study centre. Andreja Peklar is a painter, illustrator and author of children’s books. Her illustrations also make wonderful additions to textbooks and magazines for children and teens. She has received many prestigious national and international awards and honours. Peace, quiet and beautiful pristine nature is what visitors to Vremščica are looking for. On clear days, the views from this Karst plateau extend to the peaks of the Julian Alps on one side, and the Adriatic Sea on the other. In spring, its extensive meadows and pastures are covered with typical Alpine and Mediterranean flowers and plants. The sound of sheep can be heard once again. In children’s books, snails are depicted as charming slow animals but in reality, they are seen as anything but that. So much so, that we chase them away from our gardens and lawns. For scientists, however, these molluscs are very interesting creatures. In Slovenia, there are over 400 species of snails, and they can be found everywhere – even underground.