The coalition partners have not settled open issues relating to an agreement with the Fides medical union. Foto: BoBo/Nejc Trpin
The coalition partners have not settled open issues relating to an agreement with the Fides medical union. Foto: BoBo/Nejc Trpin

The government discussed the initialed agreement with Fides and concluded that several points in the document are stated in a way that isn't perfectly clear. That's according to the Minister of Public Administration Boris Koprivnikar. The government instructed the Minister for Health Milojka Kolar Celarc and the government's negotiating team to provide more detailed explanations regarding the preliminary agreement with Fides, including the financial consequences, as soon as possible to enable debate at the next cabinet meeting.

Disunity within the coalition
A meeting of coalition partners has shown that SMC, SD, and DeSUS still have different understandings of the agreement. In recent days, DeSUS and SD have concluded that the agreement is not acceptable, that it is not the result of a coalition agreement, and that it has jeopardized talks with public sector unions. According to SD parliamentary group leader Matjaž Han, the party has presented its views at the coalition meeting about the phrasing in the agreement that each party could interpret its own way.

"The Fides medical union has accepted its share of responsibility and has suspended the strike. We acted responsibly to both our patients and our colleagues, as we have laid the foundations for positive changes in the health system with this agreement. That's why we expect and hope that the period of indecision from the Prime Minister will end as soon as possible and that he will act in a European way and support the initialed agreement about the temporary cessation of strike activity," commented the Fides union.

Al. Ma.
Translated by J. B.