According to Delo poll both United Left (ZL) and SDS (Slovenian Democratic party) have 9% support of the voters, while SMC (Modern Centre party) support at its first anniversary is the lowest so far, i.e. 7.6%, and it holds the third place.
SMC is followed by SD (Social democrats) with 7%, NSi with 4%, DeSUS 2.6% and ZaAB 0.3% of the respondents. The Delo poll has noticed a distinct increase in support to non-parliamentary SNS (Slovenian National Party) with 2.3%. SLS (Slovenian People's Party) has the support of 0.6% of the respondents, which is noticeably less than in previous polls. PS (Positive Slovenia) has 0.4% support, and DL (Civic list) 0.2%.
12.4% or the respondents would vote for no party at all, and 28.6% are undetermined, while 15.8% of the respondents would not participate at elections. The government received a lower grade for its work than in May, i.e. 2.51% (in May 2.53%). 20% of the voters still support the government, a bit more than one half of the respondents do not support it, and almost one third of the respondents gave it a medium grade, or was unable to decide. The National Assembly got a higher grade than in May, i.e. 2.41% (2.33% in May).
The popularity of the politicians remains unchanged. The president of the republic Borut Pahor remains the most popular politician in the country, although with a slightly worse grade than in previous months. He is followed by Violeta Bulc,Tanja Fajon and Goran Klemenčič. Luka Mesec improved most of all, and is now the fifth, while Dušan Mramor regressed most of all.
The telephone survey was made between June 1 and 5 on a representative sample of 600 adult citizens, by the Delo Stik marketing research department for the Delo editorship.
G. C.
Translated by G. K.