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Iskanje • stress-test

stress test
Namesto tega išči:

Slovenia Le banche slovene superano la prova

26. 7. 2024Simulati scenari che prevedono attacchi informatici per verificare le capacità' reattive degli istituti di credito


Italia Rischio sismico: "Krško va chiusa"

8. 4. 2022Accanto ai rischi sismici, è stato sottolineato come l’energia nucleare non sia nemmeno più conveniente dal punto di vista economico, e come occorra invece investire sulle rinnovabili.


News Slovenian banks pass stress test

2. 8. 2021The ECB stress-tested Slovenian banks, which passed the challenge.


Slovenia Sistema bancario sloveno stabile: lo confermano gli stress test.

2. 8. 2021Il sistema bancario sloveno è stabile. Lo dice il rapporto della Banca Centrale che quest'anno ha effettuato una serie di stress test nei principali di istituti di credito del paese


News in English Slovenia's largest bank NLB returns to profit in 2014

21. 2. 2015Slovenia's largest bank, state-owned Nova Ljubljanska Banka (NLB), returned to profit in 2014 after six years of losses, the bank said after a supervisory board meeting on Friday.


News in English NLB and NKBM with capital shortfalls under adverse scenario

26. 10. 2014The European Central Bank issued the results of the latest EU stress tests on EU's banks. Banks were tested under two scenarios, a baseline and worst-case scenario.


News in English Slovenia's No.2 bank says 25 pct of loans bad, but has enough capital

14. 6. 2014A quarter of loans at Slovenia's second-largest bank, Nova KBM (NKBM), could be classified as bad, but the lender, slated for privatisation, has enough capital to pass Europe-wide regulatory tests, ...


News in English "Every child whose pain we eased was worth our trip"

9. 1. 2014" It's always difficult to see a patient you could help in Europe, but has little chances here," says Ivona Kruljac, a young doctor currently on a humanitarian expedition in Uganda.


News in English EU Commission Approves State Aid

18. 12. 2013The European Commission has approved state aid for five Slovenian banks.


News in English Slovenia says its banks need 4.8 bln euros in extra capital

12. 12. 2013Slovenia's banks need 4.8 billion euros ($6.6 billion) to plug the holes in their balance sheets, the central bank said on Wednesday, a sum the country can probably scrape together without having to ...


News in English Stress test results in two weeks

3. 12. 2013In two weeks the outcome of the stress tests of Slovenian banks will be known. This topic was discussed at the European Member of Parliament evening last night in Koper.


News in English Ahead of crucial bank test results, rising optimism in Slovenia

25. 11. 2013The mood among investors visiting Slovenia has suddenly brightened, buoyed by a private bond placement last week that was snapped up by a mystery buyer.


News in English Slovenian PM wins confidence vote, but bailout risk remains

15. 11. 2013Slovenia's government won a confidence vote on Thursday over its efforts to avert an international bailout, even as the imminent cost of a bank clean-up risks tipping the euro zone country's ...


News in English Bratušek: "Everything is pure speculation”

24. 10. 2013Slovenian Prime Minister Alenka Bratušek is trying to convince the interlocutors at the EU's summit in Brussels that Slovenia does not need to repeat the stress tests of banks. There are several ...

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