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Istria Vučić invitato a Vinistria 2021

6. 3. 2021I produttori vinicoli dell'Istria affermano che questo vino è molto quotato proprio sul mercato serbo e invitano Vučić alla prossima rassegna Vinistria di Parenzo per rendersi conto sul posto della bontà del prelibato nettare


News in English “Slovenia markets its conventional wines, when it should be concentrating on orange ones”

20. 8. 2018Simon J. Woolf is one of the biggest experts for the so-called orange/amber wines, skin contact white wines. He launched his book called Amber Revolution in Slovenia, which is no coincidence.


Slovenia La Slovenia sarà regione europea della gastronomia 2021

7. 8. 2018Il titolo viene conferito ogni anno dall' IGCAT, Istituto internazione della Gastronomia, Cultura Arte e Turismo e consegnato dal titolare del settore agricoltura e sviluppo rurale della Commissione ...


Istria In corso a Parenzo la XXV edizione di Vinistria

12. 5. 2018Avviata nel 1993 quale occasione di raccolta e confronto tra i produttori locali di malvasia e terrano, Vinistra è diventata nel tempo una delle manifestazioni più importanti in questa parte d'Europa.


News in English Getting to know the world from Ljubljana – culinary features and unique products from all parts of the world

10. 12. 2016Potica cake, Bohinj cheese, Malvasia, Piran salt, pumpkin seed and olive oil, chestnut honey – to mention only a few of the Slovenian products presented at the always well attended Sila Bazaar.


News in English Slovenian Wine Festival broke all records - hectolitres of wine, and crowds of visitors

28. 11. 2016Two days, 106 vintners, more than 400 wines - and crowded Union Hotel, where the last November weekend is traditionally dedicated to the Slovenian Wine Festival, accompanied by the Culinary Festival.


News in English The Only Slovenian Winemaker Among the World's Top 100 is a Frenchman

29. 9. 2016Morel, who is getting ready to celebrate his fiftieth birthday, has therefore gotten another reason for a toast next week.


News in English Olives, wine and fish in Izola

12. 6. 2015Local producers of olive oil and domestic wine, as well as those offering other culinary specialties of the Slovenian Istria region, especially sea food, are coming together in Izola.


News in English Orange wine revolution in Slovenia

29. 4. 2014On Friday afternoon there were no signs of the ongoing government troubles at Manzioli square and Manzioli palace. The orange revolution, quite unaffected by the politics, was going on there.


Sporočila za javnost Enzo Hrovatin bo novo samostojno ploščo posnel na Radiu Koper

1. 4. 2014Enzo Hrovatin je že več kot 25 let tesno povezan s primorsko zasedbo Faraoni. Kitarist, pevec in avtor številnih uspešnic, ki se je pred tremi letu podal tudi na samostojno pot, bo v sredo na Radiu ...


Glasba Enzo Hrovatin: "Včasih je treba iti narazen in potem čas prinese nekaj lepega!"

31. 3. 2014Ime Enzo Hrovatin je že več kot 25 let tesno povezano s primorsko zasedbo Faraoni. Kitarist, pevec in avtor številnih uspešnic pa se je pred tremi leti podal tudi na samostojno pot, ko je izdal ...

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