23. 9. 2015Nogometaši Arsenala so dobili derbi 3. kroga angleškega ligaškega pokala na White Hart Laneu proti Tottenhamu (1:2). Odločil je Mathieu Flamini v 78. minuti.
18. 9. 2015This year the Rožanc Award goes to Andrej Capuder for the best essay collection Povest o knjigah (Tale of Books) published by Slovenska matica.
10. 9. 2015The coalition is in favour of the unions' proposal, supported by 11,000 signatures for redefinition of the minimal wage filed in the National Assembly.
10. 9. 2015A large number of people gathered at the Prešeren square for an anti-racist rally, where the group Anti-Racist Front without Borders warned against the unacceptable migration policies of the EU.
29. 8. 2015Po poročanju francoske tiskovne agencije RMC Sport sta Saint Etienne in dunajski Rapid dosegla dogovor o prestopu Roberta Berića k francoskemu prvoligašu.
16. 7. 2015Petek prinaša začetek jubilejne 25. sezone Prve lige, deseterica slovenskih elitnih klubov pa ima za seboj zelo različno kadrovanje: prišlo je 61 nogometašev, 69 pa jih je odšlo.
2. 7. 2015A commission set up by the Ministry of Health, which supervised over the Radan case at the Ljubljana Neurology Clinic, has sent its findings, before the issuing of the final report, to the ...
23. 6. 2015Slovenian MPs passed in first reading an increase in the eligibility rate for free meals. Petka za nasmeh, a charity, said they hope the bill will be passed into law as soon as possible.
16. 6. 2015"We demand more transparency and more public input" head of the Slovenian Consumer Protection Office (ZPS) Breda Kutin said at a round-table discussion on TTIP, the trade agreement between the US ...
29. 5. 2015" Vedno imam občutek, da delujem v smeri nekega razodetja, a se hkrati zavedam, da gre za kontinuum, " o svojem ustvarjanju pravi Thurston Moore, najbolj znan kot kitarist in pevec zasedbe Sonic ...
24. 4. 2015The Statistical Office released new figures regarding the publishing of books. Slovenia has been keeping book publishing records since 1919.
18. 4. 2015Za prestižni FA-pokal se bosta 30. maja na Wembleyju pomerila Arsenal in Aston Vila, ki je na nedeljskem polfinalu po preobratu v režiji kapetana Fabiana Delpha premagala Liverpool z 2:1.
13. 4. 2015The design trio Tok Tok celebrated the success of its product on Kickstarter after only two days. Their product is a wooden amplifier for smartphones called Trobla.
8. 4. 2015Liverpool se je z zmago nad Blackburnom (0:1) uvrstil v polfinale FA-pokala, medtem ko je Bayern po izvajanju 11-metrovk za polfinale nemškega pokala v Leverkusnu odpravil Bayer (3:5).
9. 3. 2015“We call upon political decision-makers to strike down the law on internships,” youth organizations said as they urged MPs not to sign the Act on Measures for Internships into law.