21. 9. 2016Umrl je scenarist in režiser Curtis Hanson, ki je režiral Eminema v raperjevem igralskem prvencu 8 milj in dobil oskarja za scenarij neo-noir kriminalke L. A. Zaupno. Star je bil 71 let.
14. 8. 2016The Slovenian identity has been shaped by various symbolic icons representing our country’s remarkable diversity, with pristine nature, a vibrant culture, a rich history and an enviable quality of ...
26. 5. 2016"I worked at least 10 hours a day, sometimes even 16 hours at different locations in Ljubljana. And all that for a minimum wage," says a former employee at a cleaning services company.
23. 5. 2016Veliki zmagovalci letošnje podelitve nagrad revije Billboard so Kanadčani. Največ kipcev - kar osem - je domov odnesel The Weeknd. Med nagrajenci pa so bili tudi Justin Bieber, Drake in Céline Dion.
19. 5. 2016Two athletes who have been the driving force of the Slovenian marathon in the period after the independence have together 100 years – 50 each.
14. 5. 2016Were we deciding on the best meat products in the country, Uroš Klinec would most certainly make it to the short list with his smoked ham, prosciutto – three to five year old chef-d'oeuvre, not only ...
4. 5. 2016Že v prvem predizboru, ki bo na sporedu 10. maja, bodo lahko ljubitelji Evrovizije pospremili nastope povratnikov, med katerimi so Maltežanka Ira Losco, Islandka Greta Salome in eden izmed ...
16. 2. 2016Poppevka Taylor Swift je postala prva ženska z dvema zlatima kipcema za album leta. Prejela je tudi nagrado za pop vokalni album ( 1989 ) in glasbeni video ( Bad Blood ).
30. 10. 2015The topic of the Športni izziv (Sport Challenge) show was the future of Slovenian alpine skiing. Andrea Massi and Tina Maze gave their opinion for TV SLO from in Sölden.