7. 12. 2014V okviru velikopoteznega projekta revitalizacije helsinške obale se finska prestolnica veseli gradnje svoje izpostave slavnega Guggenheimovega muzeja.
28. 11. 2014Brina Svit started writing her last novel years ago, while in Buenos Aires. She was lured there by tango she loves so much, and accidentally she chose a cab driven by an Argentinian Slovenian.
9. 11. 2014Slovenia's best-selling author Feri Lainšček published most of his 21st novel, "Fear for Butterflies in the Storm", in instalments on Facebook over several months this year.
27. 10. 2014What do the cute cloud-shaped cushions have in common with aeronautical engineering? Martina Žilavec. She believes that "if you are open, people can teach you many things."
19. 10. 2014Med urejanjem arhivov zapora v Readingu so se našle fotografije moža, zapornika iz delavskega razreda, ki je pritegnil pozornost najslavnejšega zapornika institucije - Oscarja Wilda.
17. 10. 2014Johanna Spyri’s Heidi may be one of the recognizable icons of the Swiss Alps, but Slovenia has its own legendary child of the mountains: a brave little shepherd boy named Kekec.
29. 9. 2014Nogometne "ladje" ta konec tedna niso bile tako dobro strelsko razpoložene kot prejšnji teden. Zadel je le Zlatan Ljubijankić, medtem ko je Kevin Kampl že v sredo zatresel mrežo v avstrijskem pokalu.
1. 9. 2014"I remember how we used to write the exams on indigo paper and then copied them in school, and how my hands used to hurt from all the pressing. But before that we didn't even have that. All we had ...
17. 8. 2014Hokejisti Telemacha Olimpije so na uvodni pripravljalni tekmi v Tivoliju premagali Nottingham s 3:1. Zmaji so prikazali zelo zavzeto igro in navdušili 500 gledalcev.
7. 8. 2014Until not so long ago it was quite common for bread to be baked on Sundays, to see whey dripping out of a kitchen cloth full of home-made cottage cheese, for the grass to be cut with a scythe, and ...
30. 7. 2014"Dear brother. I have received your postcard, and it has made me very happy. It has been so long since you wrote last time, so I was worried about you. How are you? Thank you, Marija and Lojze for ...
9. 7. 2014Rosvita Pesek received her first nomination for best TV presenter of a news show at this year’s viktor media awards, which was a huge surprise for her.