8. 10. 201417 let je minilo, odkar je hiša BBC prvič razkrila z zvezdniki natrpan dobrodelni "superbend", ki je nato odpel priredbo klasične rockovske viže.
16. 9. 2014Just a short walk from the Old Town streets and alleyways of the Slovenian port town of Koper, visitors can find a nature preserve famous for its abundant flora and fauna.
29. 8. 2014Miley Cyrus velja za eno najbolj priljubljenih mladih pevk, Madonna pa za (nekdanjo) prvo damo popglasbe, vendar pa je na glasbenih lestvicah najuspešnejša Mariah Carey.
24. 8. 2014Prvi mož emeritus podjetja Marvel Entertainment, Stan Lee, je že prekoračil 90. leto, pa svojemu imperiju superjunakov še vedno utira nove poti in dodaja sveže obraze za mlajše generacije oboževalcev.
27. 7. 2014Na konvenciji Comic-Con v San Diegu so ta konec tedna v središču pozornosti častni gostje iz Srednjega sveta in večina superjunakov iz lige Maščevalcev.
12. 6. 2014"The feeling when »your« team is winning is incredible. You are by all means happy, smiling, and in good spirit. Isn't that the essence of life – to smile and be happy?"
11. 6. 2014V vzhodnolondonskem parku Victoria je bil prejšnji konec tedna že osmi zaporedni Field Day, glasbeni megafestival, ki odpira sezono koncertnih dogodkov na prostem v prestolnici in tudi drugje po ...
22. 5. 2014Studio Warner je dober teden po razkritju batmobila izdal še uradni naslov filma, ki lahko zamenja dozdajšnje poimenovanje "Superman Vs. Batman": nadaljevanje Jeklenega moža bo naslovljeno Batman v.
13. 5. 2014As far as labour costs are concerned, Germany is cheaper than its neighbours on the West, while in Poland, Austria, and the Check Republic labour costs are lower.
29. 4. 2014On Friday afternoon there were no signs of the ongoing government troubles at Manzioli square and Manzioli palace. The orange revolution, quite unaffected by the politics, was going on there.
1. 4. 2014"Unfortunately, all the available places have already been taken," was the most frequent answer the caterers gave to gourmets who tried to book a table for the Restaurant Week.
12. 3. 2014Male Slovenian alpine skiers gathered 108 points this season – 700 fewer than Tina Maze and 25 fewer than Ilka Štuhec, who got injured in January.