7. 6. 2018"The winner must receive an opportunity to justify the support he had been given by the people. This strengthens the trust of people in democracy and makes the coalition-building process clear an ...
24. 5. 2018Luka Dončić ima vse in prinaša celoten paket. Mislim, da se bo odlično znašel. Za 19-letnika igra zelo pametno in je iznajdljiv. Ima odličen pregled nad igriščem.
10. 5. 2018Slovenia's central bank recorded a profit of 70.7 million euros in 2017, up 23 percent from a year ago, partly because of higher net interest rate income, the Bank of Slovenia said in a report on ...
10. 5. 2018Last year was a successful one for Slovene companies. Last year, they generated net profits of 3,6 billion euros, 400 million more than the previous year.
3. 5. 2018The European Commission in Brussels hosted an oral hearing in connection to Slovenia's letter about its intent to file a lawsuit against Croatia because of its refusal to implement the border ...
17. 4. 2018T he rise in prisoner numbers has stopped, in the medium-term prisons might be additionally relieved by the probation office, given the fact that half of the inmates are sentenced to up to two years ...
16. 4. 2018A campaign titled "Speed kills – Drive Intelligently" is drawing attention to speeding, the leading cause of car accidents in Slovenia, which claimed 46 lives in Slovenia last year – 44 percent of ...
16. 4. 2018Con gli incassi delle tasse dei paesi europei sui veicoli a motore si potrebbe finanziare il bilancio di tuta l'Ue per quasi tre anni. E' quanto emerge dal report "Tax guide 2018" dell'Acea
12. 4. 2018Ogni anno, tra i 3 e i 4 milioni di automobili scompaiono dai registri delle motorizzazioni di tutta Europa. Dovrebbero venire rottamate, ma sembrano finire in un buco nero.
24. 3. 2018Besides all the other problems faced by students, the ever heavier traffic on Aškerčeva Street was seemingly of marginal importance. But students had had enough of lectures surrounded by noise.
21. 3. 2018The European Commission has confirmed the completion of a process that will make 44 million euros in funds available for the preparation phase of the Second Track project.
17. 3. 2018The Primostek resort in south-eastern Slovenia’s Bela Krajina region is in every way a fine example of transferring new ideas to an old environment, and a showcase of modern-day tourism.