12. 10. 2018"I colori dell’autunno", la tradizionale manifestazione che l’Unione Italiana organizza per le terze e quarte classi delle scuole elementari italiane di Slovenia e Croazia è approdata oggi ad Umago.
20. 9. 2018After Tamara Zidanšek, Dalila Jakupović was the last Slovenian, who left the competition after the semifinals of the tennis tournament in Seoul.
18. 9. 2018It was once among Ljubljana’s most prestigious homes, and several years ago, Villa Podrožnik almost became the official residence of the Slovenian President.
4. 9. 2018Basketball is one of Slovenia’s most popular sports. Every year, thousands of fans root for the national team or, more recently, for Slovenian players in the NBA.
1. 9. 2018Šest psov iz zavetišča Cindy, Nanda, Pretinha, Mia, Arlete in Ovelha so že drugo leto osrednje zvezde teniškega turnirja v Sao Paulu, kjer nadomeščajo lovilce žogic in svoje delo opravljajo več kot ...
30. 8. 2018Ne zgolj zmage na odprtih prvenstvih, turnirjih in navsezadnje olimpijskih igrah, 36-letna Serena Williams je od začetka svoje kariere prozornost javnosti privabljala tudi na račun svojih oprav na ...
26. 8. 2018"Ko nanese beseda na modo, ne želite, da se 'prekršek' ponavlja," je Serena Williams z nasmeškom pokomentirala prepoved prvega moža francoske teniške zveze, da še kdaj stopi na peščena igrišča ...
25. 8. 2018Ameriški teniški zvezdnici Sereni Williams je prvi mož francoske teniške zveze prepovedal, da še kdaj stopi na peščena igrišča Odprtega prvenstva v Franciji oblečena v oprijeti črni dres, kot je to ...
12. 8. 2018E' finita con i fuochi d'artificio e varie feste nei locali del lungomare di Portorose la serata aperta dalla finale dello Slovenian Open e proseguita con il concerto di Magnifico.
17. 7. 2018Portorož will host its sixth ATP challenger tennis tournament between August 3 and August 11. One of the players for Slovenian team is also Blaž Rola.
20. 6. 2018The Tavčar Manor, just a short drive from Škofja Loka, is a popular tourist spot, known both for its architecture and its scenic surroundings.
3. 6. 2018In the vicinity of tennis courts at the level dam in Črnuče, the City Municipality of Ljubljana (MOL) has arranged the Sava Beach, which boasts the status of the first official beach in the capital.
21. 5. 2018CALCIO Si chiude il campionato di Serie A. L'Inter batte 3-2 la Lazio all'Olimpico chiudendo in quarta posizione: i nerazzurri pertanto accedono alla Champions League, assieme alla Juventus campione ...