6. 12. 2016Širjenje umetne inteligence v avtomobilizem je dobilo nov zagon z Uberjevim nakupom zagonskega podjetja na področju umetne inteligence Geometric Intelligence. Nakup napoveduje okrepljeno delovanje ...
1. 12. 2016Muzikal Dežela La La se je z dvanajstimi nominacijami zavihtel na položaj favorita v odštevanju do nagrad, ki jih podeljujejo ameriški filmski kritiki: Critics’ Choice Awards.
3. 9. 2016After several European countries had already started implementing strong limitation measures with the intention to contain a possible new migrant wave, Slovenia has also announced plans for stricter ...
1. 9. 2016The Town Hall Gallery in Kranj on Thursday opened an exhibition entitled "Rado and Ksenija Hribar". Its aim is to shed light on the fate of the former owners of Strmol Castle.
25. 8. 2016T he government is seriously working on the country’s health sector, but no one can solve the problems that have accumulated through the many years of negative practices in one or two years, said PM ...
28. 7. 2016Despite previous forecasts the government will most likely not deal with the proposed amendments to the Law on the Duties and Powers of the Police before summer recess.
30. 1. 2016In response to reports about alleged training of Salafists in Slovenia, MP Branko Grims has emphasized that Slovenia is a safe country, adding that articles were published as an excuse for Austria ...