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News in English Tinkara Kovač: Round and round

10. 5. 2014Tinkara Kovač will be representing Slovenia in the Eurovision Song Contest in Denmark with the song Spet/Round and Round.


News in English Perpetuum Jazzile: Thank you for the music

26. 4. 2014On 9 and 10 November 2013, the Perpetuum Jazzile musical ensemble marked its 30th anniversary with its biggest concert spectacle so far - THE SHOW - in front of an audience of 20,000 in Stožice ...


News in English Best pupil: "I want to use my talents for something substantial"

11. 4. 2014Jernej Štremfelj is a 16-year old boy who hardly knows that other grades exists, as he usually gets a 5. He is also an enthusiastic accordion player, already with two solo concerts under his belt.


News in English Video: Tinkara shows off Koper and her strong voice in the new video

10. 4. 2014The “controversial” terminal in the port of Koper, the beauty of Devin, experienced musicians and two dancers – Tinkara Kovač introduces us to all this in her new video for the Eurovision Song ...


Film in TV Perverznežev vodnik po ideologiji s Slavojem Žižkom dvakrat v Kinodvoru

9. 4. 2014"Slavoj Žižek, rockzvezda med intelektualci, prinaša še eno z akcijo nabito učno uro o filmski zgodovini in marksistični dialektiki. Perverznežev­ vodnik po ideologiji je navdušujoč in pogosto zelo ...


News in English Tabu with a musical autobiography: "We're playing ourselves!"

3. 4. 2014Before their concert at Križanke with the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra, the band members of Tabu will be moving their music and adventures of the past 15 years on to a different stage – they have ...


Glasba Počastili Blondie in McCartneyja, največ nagrad pa v roke Arctic Monkeys

28. 2. 2014Na letošnji podelitvi nagrad glasbene revije New Musical Express (NME) so prednjačili Arctic Monkeys, ki so prejeli pet nagrad.


News in English Prehistoric skiing at Bloke

23. 2. 2014The Bloke Plateau, or Bloke, is located at the very edge of Notranjska between Cerknica Field and the valleys of Lož and Ribnica. Bloke is known as the cradle of old folk skiing and as the ...


News in English Minister Grilc: Culture is a driving force of human development

7. 2. 2014"Culture is a driving force of human development. It changes the reality of society, and is worthy of our support. Otherwise it is very difficult to express the sincerity of the wish we often ...


News in English Prešeren Awards Ceremony takes place tonight

7. 2. 2014Tonight at 8 pm the central ceremony ahead of tomorrow’s Culture Day will be held in the Gallus Hall of the cultural centre Cankarjev dom in Ljubljana.


Zanimivosti Ukradli Stradivarijevo violino, katere lastnik je bil tudi Tartini

1. 2. 2014Anonimni donator je ponudil 100.000 ameriških dolarjev nagrade za informacijo, ki bi lahko omogočila varno vrnitev Stradivarijeve violine v roke lastniku - violinistu Franku Almondu.


Glasba Prvo srečanje preživelih po koncu sveta je uspelo. Kdaj bo naslednje?

28. 1. 2014Duet Silence skupaj s Simfoničnim orkestrom RTV Slovenija je znova poskrbel za užitek glasbenih sladokuscev: Prvo srečanje preživelih po koncu sveta je uspelo.


Glasba Zadnje priprave pred Srečanjem preživelih po koncu sveta

24. 1. 2014Človek dobi vtis, da sta bila člana dua Silence, ki sta predlani Linhartovo dvorano presunila z Glasbeno spremljavo za konec sveta - po več lestvicah enem izmed najboljših domačih koncertov leta ...

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