12. 11. 2017“My coworkers and I took the day off and said we had to go to Kanin no matter what,” explains Matjaž from Ljubljana while hitting the slopes of Kanin at what is historically the earliest autumnal ...
4. 11. 2017Severnokorejska oblast trdi, da okoli 70 odstotkov prebivalstva za hrano dobiva kupone, a ljudje v času sankcij in hudega pomanjkanja ne bi preživeli, če se ne bi znašli po svoje in ustvarjali ...
17. 10. 2017Ko je bila stara 15 let, so jo talibani v Pakistanu zaradi njenega aktivizma skušali umoriti, zdaj je Malala Jusafzaj na udaru trolov zaradi svoje zahodnjaške oprave, v kateri obiskuje predavanja na ...
16. 10. 2017A report on the condition of soil in Celje kindergartens showed that the contents of cadmium, lead and zinc exceed the maximum level. The municipality of Celje decided to gradually replace the soil.
13. 10. 2017The government has approved the contract with investor Magna Steyr and its signing is to happen on Tuesday in the Municipality of Hoče – Slivnica, at a ceremony which will also see the laying of the ...
12. 10. 2017Fast economic growth in Slovenia will increase the need for investment in production capacity and is likely to lead to a labour shortage, the central bank said on Thursday.
27. 9. 2017The Slovenian tourism industry has seen rapid growth in the past few years, and while the country has received international acclaim for its green tourism policies and innovativeness, visitors might ...
20. 9. 2017The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance again reprimanded Slovenia because a number of Roma communities still have no access to potable water.
5. 9. 2017Slovenian economic expansion is seen exceeding 4.5 percent in 2017, above a previous forecast of 3.8 percent, but the country must tackle labour market bottlenecks and push privatisations to sustain ...
25. 8. 2017Slovenia is one of Europe’s more earthquake-prone countries, so it’s no surprise that it was here, in his homeland, where Ferdinand "Ferdo" Seidl built his reputation as an expert on earthquakes and ...
9. 8. 2017Tla v Kvarnerju na Hrvaškem se še vedno niso umirila. V torek ob 22.42 so potres z magnitudo 3,7 izmerili med otokom Krkom in mestom Jadranovo.
24. 7. 2017During the night firefighters continued to monitor the site of the fire which started on Thursday in the sorting plant of the waste depot in Zalog near Novo mesto.
18. 7. 2017Slovenia is becoming an ever more popular country for tourists. Renting out apartments through web platforms, such as Airbnb, is increasingly tempting.
13. 7. 2017Because of frequent theft of garden produce and field crops during the summer months, the Novo Mesto Police Department in the Dolenjska region has increased the presence of police officers in ...