19. 2. 2018Decima giornata di gare oggi alle Olimpiadi invernali di PyoengChang, in Corea del Sud. Giornata che potremmo definire interlocutoria, con soli tre completi di medaglie in palio.
2. 1. 2018Košarkar Toronta DeMar Derozan je postal prvi, ki je v Ligi NBA na novoletni dan dosegel več kot 50 točk, s čimer je bil najzaslužnejši za zmago nad Milwaukeejem (131:127).
19. 12. 2017The Disciplinary Commission of the International Olympic Committee has erased all of Teja Gregorin’s accomplishments at the 2010 Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver, for violating anti-doping rules.
18. 12. 2017A coalmining accident almost a century ago changed the life of a young man and began the story of a hatmaking brand that lives on to this day.
16. 11. 2017Evgen Bavčar is a leading Slovenian-born photographer whose avant-garde creations are admired all over Europe and beyond. But remarkably, Bavčar is also completely blind.
9. 10. 2017Konec tedna so mnogi Američani drli v številne restavracije McDonald's, da bi svoj ocvrti krompirček ali hamburger izboljšali s posebno omako.
6. 9. 2017Rough Guide created a new list of the 20 most beautiful countries in the world. Scotland tops the chart, with Slovenia in the golden middle, while Vietnam wraps up the list.
1. 9. 2017In the late 1980s, the Slovenian Spring was in full bloom. It was a time of a renewed national consciousness and ever-louder calls for human rights.