3. 10. 2015Prime Minister Miro Cerar will wait for competent authorities to hand in a report before making any comments on information about the security services of the US and Germany allegedly intercepting ...
25. 7. 2015"Anyone who builds their politics on some spy intelligence issue – that's short-term politics," argues former director of Slovenian intelligence and security services Iztok Podbregar.
16. 5. 2015V nasprotju s predstavami o svetlem in zvezd polnem vesolju sta njegovo bistvo praznina in tema, pravi sodirektor inštituta SETI, ki se ukvarja z iskanjem zunajzemeljskega inteligentnega življenja.
7. 5. 2015On Wednesday both candidates for new Ministers, Andreja Katič for defence, and Maja Makovec Brenčič for education, got the support of the competent boards.
21. 4. 2015The Social Democrats (SD) nominated MP and deputy Parliament speaker Andreja Katič as the next Defence Minister, SD head Dejan Židan said today, adding that Prime Minister Miro Cerar already ...
18. 4. 2015Obstaja dogodek, ki človeško bitje poveže s svetom na rahlo pretresljiv način. Majhni otroci pogosto zrejo v ogledalo, a se dolgo ne zavedajo, da gledajo sami sebe.
16. 4. 2015"Literacy and science will be extremely important in the 21st century and will decide which countries lead the world in the field of education and technology," is what Neil deGrasse Tyson told MMC.
9. 4. 2015Plans to sell state-controlled Telekom Slovenia is testing the country's resolve to reshape an economy that two years ago nearly joined the likes of Greece and Cyprus in seeking an international ...
8. 4. 2015It is an attack on the institution of prime minister, who has the right to dismiss a minister, the president of DeSUS party Erjavec commented Minister Veber's »machinations« against PM Cerar.
3. 4. 2015Tik pred premiero pete sezone Igre prestolov si Hrvaška obeta nov val turistov, ki so državo odkrili prav po zaslugi izjemno priljubljene serije, vse od začetka leta 2011 pa je naval na našo južno ...
2. 4. 2015By unofficial information the Military Intelligence Agency OVS has reported MP Matej Tonin to police for suspected criminal act of disclosure of classified information.