14. 6. 2017V zadnjem času smo lahko prebrali veliko zapisov o množičnosti, posledicah in celo o načinih vladanja z lažnimi novicami, zlasti jih je spodbudil aktualni mandat predsednika ZDA.
13. 6. 2017Numerous workers from the Balkans go to work in Germany or other EU Member States via Slovenia. They are often low-paid, live in terrible conditions, and do not have proper documents.
9. 6. 2017Iraqi refugee girls aged 9 and 11, who had gone missing on Monday on their way from one of the primary schools in Ljubljana, were found on Thursday together with their mother in Salzburg in Austria.
7. 6. 2017The newest report on waiting times from March of this year shows that most of the waiting times in healthcare establishments are even longer, in average by three to four percent per month.
2. 6. 2017RTV Slovenia correspondent Boštjan Anžin is one of the recipients of a prestigious media prize given out by the German-based Civis Media Foundation.
25. 5. 2017Exactly a year from now the new European decree on protection of data will come into effect, introducing uniform and modernized legislation into all the European Union member states.
24. 5. 2017The Slovenian Environment Agency has confirmed the heavy pollution of the Tojnica stream. It has been completely lifeless since the fire at the Kemis waste processing plant in Vrhnika.
2. 5. 2017The Russian ice hockey club Torpedo Nizhny Novgorod has published that their new force for the KHL league is the Slovenian player Žiga Jeglič.
9. 4. 2017Due to new regulation from the European Commission regarding tightened control of all passengers crossing the external borders of Schengen, commuters on Slovenian border crossings with Croatia ...
2. 4. 2017Slovenian scientists working under the aegis of the National Institute of Chemistry in Ljubljana recently published the results of research signalling a major advance in the biological treatment of ...