15. 7. 2016The Slovenian team at the opening ceremony of the Rio Olympic Games will be led by the sailor Vasilij Žbogar, who had already won two Olympic medals, and has been chosen as the flag bearer.
13. 7. 2016O poroki srbske tenisačice Ane Ivanović in nemškega nogometaša Bastiana Schweinsteigerja govori ves svet, na dan pa prihajajo nove podrobnosti.
30. 6. 2016The official list of athletes representing Slovenia at the Olympic Games in Rio will be announced on July 12. For 56 of the athletes their participation in Brazil is almost assured, for nine it is ...
6. 6. 2016For several generations, post-communist Europe has been known as a breeding ground for talented tennis players, several of whom have gone on to become household names around the world.
9. 2. 2016Spomladi bo v Dortmundu svoja vrata odprl Nemški muzej digitalne kulture, ob čemer napovedujejo, da bodo med njegovimi eksponati lahko uživali ljubitelji C64, prvih Atarijevih modelov ali igralnih ...
16. 1. 2016Pred začetkom Odprtega prvenstva Avstralije v Melbournu se je Roger Federer s svojo številčno družino udeležil teniškega dne, posvečenega otrokom.
1. 1. 2016"Who thinks about sleep, or about money? The world is waiting for me, and for Elan. In the year 2000, you will see, a magnificent factory will stand in this place," Rudi Finžgar once proclaimed ...
11. 7. 2015Kolezija, once a renowned swimming pool complex in Ljubljana's quarter of Trnovo, has re-opened its doors again, after being closed for 14 years.
8. 7. 2015Le redko se zgodi, da teniški igralec na grand slamih dobi vse tri nize brez izgubljene igre. Zmagi s 6:0, 6:0 in 6:0 rečemo tudi trojna kravata.
6. 1. 2015The Slovenian ice hockey team will make its Olympic debut at the Sochi Winter Olympics. Merely qualifying for the Olympics represents a success unprecedented in the history of hockey in Slovenia.
21. 10. 2014At first glance everything is calm in Tina Maze's team ahead of the first race in Sölden, but Andrea Massi says: "There has to be some suspense. When you think that everything's alright, that's ...
17. 8. 2014Roger Federer je osvojil že 80. turnir ATP v karieri, potem ko je v Cincinnatiju s 6:3, 1:6 in 6:2 ugnal Davida Ferrerja. Španec je tudi v 16. poskusu ostal brez zmage nad švicarskim šampionom.
10. 7. 2014An uninhabited Alpine valley was the site of one of the most famous engineering marvels ever built in Slovenia. Constructed in 1933, the large ski jump in Planica made sporting history many times.
14. 6. 201430 years of hitchhiking, 308,000 kilometres, 6,000 drivers, 38 European countries, but more than these numbers count the stories, just as the road is more important than the destination, believes ...