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News in English PM Cerar submits motion to dismiss Defence Minister Veber

31. 3. 2015Prime Minister Miro Cerar today submitted a motion to dismiss Defence Minister Janko Veber. It appears that Veber’s Social Democrats (SD) are the only party that still stand behind him.


News in English Cerar expects Veber to resign. The minister refuses to step down.

30. 3. 2015PM Miro Cerar expects defense minister Janko Veber to offer his resignation. Veber is surprised and has no intention of stepping down.


News in English Was Veber to leave, coalition would probably hold

26. 3. 2015SD Party is convinced that the Defence Minister Janko Veber acted lawfully and responsibly. PM Miro Cerar will announce his decision on Veber's destiny on Monday.


News in English Cerar trusts Veber, but demands "legal ground" for his action

24. 3. 2015Defence Minister, Janko Veber, said he still enjoys the trust of PM Miro Cerar. The statement came after a meeting with the PM.


Svet Wikipedija zaradi množičnega nadzora spleta toži NSA

10. 3. 2015Wikimedia Foundation, ki vodi spletno enciklopedijo Wikipedija, je zaradi nadzorovanja na medmrežju vložila tožbo proti ameriški agenciji za nacionalno varnost in ministrstvu za pravosodje.


Novice Najdražja mesta: Singapur na vrhu, sledijo trije "Evropejci"

3. 3. 2015Singapur si je že drugo leto zapored prislužil naziv najdražjega mesta na svetu. Med peterico najdražjih najdemo kar tri evropska mesta.


Gospodarstvo Mala in srednja podjetja Kitajsko vse bolj vidijo kot priložnost

1. 3. 2015Večina malih in srednje velikih podjetij bo na mednarodnih trgih do leta 2019 ustvarila do polovice prihodkov, kaže raziskava Economist Intelligence Unita.


News in English Valenčič refuses to divulge his sources

28. 1. 2015TV Slovenia journalist Erik Valenčič today refused to answer the prosecution's questions. He said he would not reveal his sources.


News in English Veniger replaced as police chief after two years

29. 10. 2014After replacing the head of the SOVA Intelligence and Security Agency and the Army Chief of Staff, the government has now replaced the head of Slovenia's police.


News in English Members of the Foreign Affairs Committee about the crisis in Ukraine

23. 10. 2014Members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly have been discussing the crisis in Ukraine and relations with Russia behind closed doors.


Svet Napad v nakupovalnem središču ni izučil Kenije

21. 9. 2014V Keniji se spominjajo terorističnega napada na nakupovalno središče v Nairobiju, kjer so islamski skrajneži pred letom dni ubili več kot 60 ljudi.


Novice Melbourne že četrtič zapored najbolj prijetno mesto za življenje

20. 8. 2014Odlična zdravstvena oskrba, dobra infrastruktura in izobraževalni sistem ter zelo nizka stopnja kriminala so Melbourne še četrto leto zapored uvrstili na sam vrh najbolj prijetnih mest za življenje.

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