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Ture avanture Pod eno vozovnico po novem 8 slovenskih smučišč, tudi Kope

25. 9. 2019Osem slovenskih smučišč in še nekatera tik za mejo je zdaj združenih v projektu Snowpass, ki predstavlja največjo povezavo evropskih smučišč z enotno smučarsko vozovnico.


Slovenia Revealed The Rise and Fall of a Railroad

1. 3. 2018Only an occasional bridge and several old buildings serve as a reminder of a railroad that once made its way through the Upper Sava Valley.


News in English Somali Baby Girl Waiting for Asylum, But Hunger and Poverty Usually Aren’t Sufficient Reasons

29. 10. 2016Sabrin, the baby girl who was born in Jesenice and was originally nicknamed Slovenia, is waiting for her asylum request to be granted in Slovenia. The chances for success are slim.


News in English The main goal is to turn Planica into a magnet for visitors

23. 9. 2015The preparation of the Planica Nordic Centre is slowly nearing its end. The construction work is entering its final stage. The installing of the mechanical equipment has begun.


Slovenia Revealed Brave locals helped to save Slovenia’s Alpine jewels

20. 5. 2015The Upper Sava Valley, the resort town of Bled, and the spectacular Bohinj Valley are some of the most beautiful and well-known parts of Slovenia; their images adorn postcards, book covers, and ...


Slovenia Revealed The photographer who captured memorable moments

12. 1. 2015When Josip Pelikan opened his first photography studio in 1910, he was carrying on the passion of his parents.

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