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News in English The next big hope of American ski racing is - Slovenian!

25. 12. 2013Lila Lapanja has been leaving her mark in the USST junior ranks with her recent great performances in NorAm Cup and also last season's National Chamiponships, where she was right up there with her ...


Poslušamo Lorde: Pure Heroine

27. 11. 2013Sedemnajstletna Ella Yelich-O'Connor ali Lorde je zelo dober primer, kako vsesplošna glasbena okupacija najstniških zvezdnic, kot sta Miley in Justin, včasih povzroči tudi popolnoma nasprotni ...


News in English Auction Record: Tina Maze's Helmet Sold for EUR 7,000

20. 11. 2013In cooperation with MMC, the SPORTO Conference organized a yearly charity auction. Tina Maze's helmet, used at the races and signed by the skier, was sold for record EUR 7,000.


News in English Tina Maze donated her helmet as help for children with cancer

11. 11. 2013Like every year, in cooperation with MMC a Charity Auction will once again be held at the SPORTO Conference. The highest bidder will take home Tina Maze‘s worn and signed skiing helmet.


On this day On this day: 18th October

18. 10. 2013In 1867, Americans officially take over Alaska, which they bought from the Russians for more than 7 million dollars.


Cuisine Joško Sirk: The only Slovenian with a Michelin star

17. 10. 2013It has always been difficult to categorize Joško Sirk - a Slovene, on the Italian side of the Brdo region. He's master chef who won a Michelin star with a restaurant oriented towards farm traditions.


News in English If basketball didn’t exist, Ivo Daneu would have invented it

29. 9. 2013This was one of the thoughts in Memories Among the Baskets the documentary by Aleš Žemlja about Ivo Daneu in which Daneu is recognised as the best Slovenian basketball player of all time.


News in English The hail the size of tennis balls did 60 million euros in damages

13. 9. 2013When it comes to financial damage from natural disasters, Slovenia’s podravska region has been the unluckiest recently. From 1999 until 2009, the region has suffered some 158 million euros in ...


On this day On this day: 12. August

12. 8. 2013In 1851 Isaac Singer patented the sewing machine. In 1919, Prekmurje is occupied by the army of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. In 1955 German writer Thomas Mann dies.


Kolumne Sanjska nogometna liga in teniški turnir živela le v glavi goljufov

13. 5. 2013Se še spomnite ideje o "sanjski nogometni ligi", v kateri naj bi igralo 24 klubov, ki bi lahko zaslužili tudi do 200 milijonov evrov?


Moda Foto: Številka ena ženskega tenisa zapeljiva na modni brvi

28. 12. 2012Prva igralka sveta Belorusinja Victoria Azarenka se je pred dobrodelnim teniškim dvobojem s Kitajko Li Na preizkusila kot manekenka.


MMC v Londonu Londonski čivki: Šotor sredi Wimbledona in izumitelji dežja

30. 7. 2012V nedeljo so Angleži le prišli na svoj račun, sredi wimbledonskega naliva so te lahko nasmejano pozdravljali "Lovely day!" (Prekrasen dan) in se pri tem obnašali, kot da prvič vidim dež.


Znanost in tehnologija Imate pametni telefon? Facebook bere vaša SMS-sporočila.

26. 2. 2012Spletni velikan je priznal, da je bral kratka sporočila uporabnikov, ki so imeli naloženo njihovo aplikacijo za pametne telefone. Branijo se, da so podatke potrebovali za novo storitev.


Glasba Coldplay bodo zaslužili okoli 2,3 milijona evrov za silvestrovo

31. 12. 2011Šejk Emir Šeik Kalifa si je za novo leto zaželel glasbo po njegovem okusu. Na dirko Volvo Ocean Race v Abu Dabiju je povabil britanski Coldplay.

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