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News in English AKSL architects transformed Nama’s Lingerie department into a pink boudoir

14. 9. 2018The renovation of Slovenska Street in Ljubljana centre brought a fresh breeze – after the Hotel Slon renovation, the department store Nama now has a new image.


Lepota bivanja AKSL arhitekti Namin oddelek za žensko perilo odeli v rožnati budoár

14. 9. 2018Prenova Slovenske ceste je v središče prestolnice prinesla svež veter - po preureditvi Hotela Slon dobiva novo podobo tudi veleblagovnica Nama, kjer so v biroju AKSL arhitekti na oddelku z ženskim ...


Cultura La corsa per il Leone d'Oro

6. 9. 2018Vincente l’idea degli organizzatori di chiamare Guillermo Del Toro a fare da presidente della giuria principale di questa 75-esima edizione.


News in English Tone Škrjanec wins the Veronika Prize for his "poetry of a relaxed outsider"

29. 8. 2018Poet Tone Škrjanec is the Veronika Prize laureate, which he received for his collection of poems entitled Dihaj (Breathe) at a celebration in Celje’s Old Castle.


News in English The most popular instrument in Slovenia

25. 8. 2018In Slovenia, the diatonic button accordion is present at almost every social event, especially in the rural areas.


Slovenia Revealed The Voices of Hope

14. 8. 2018When World War II swept across Europe, Slovenia was occupied by and partitioned among the Axis powers.


News in English The first outline of the future government

13. 8. 2018Two months after the elections, we enter the week when Marjan Šarec gets to form a government. After initialling the agreement between Levica and the other five parties, Šarec now has 52 votes.


Film in TV V čigavem naročju letos prede zlati leopard iz filmskega Locarna?

11. 8. 2018V glavnem tekmovalnem programu festivala v Locarnu v Švici, ki se postavlja ob bok Cannesu, Berlinu in Benetkam, se je za glavno nagrado, zlatega leoparda, potegovalo 15 filmov.


Film in TV Na festivalu v Locarnu bosta nagrajena Meg Ryan in Ethan Hawke

31. 7. 2018S svetovno premiero filma Team Spirit francoskega režiserja Vianneyja Lebasquea se bo v sredo začel 71. mednarodni filmski festival v Locarnu, na katerem bo z nagrado leopard club award nagrajena ...


Radio Si Majer Wins Acting Award at Pula Film Festival

22. 7. 2018Slovenian actress Maruša Majer has won the top award for Best Actress at the 65th Pula Film Festival, which closes today.


News in English Electric Dreams documentary hits summer festivals

10. 7. 2018After its premiere at Kino Šiška and before its autumn TV premiere, Electric Dreams, a documentary film about Miha Kralj, a pioneer of Slovene popular electronic music, will be screened at festivals ...


News in English Ronald Šega, an astronaut of Slovene descent, visits Loški Potok

5. 7. 2018A US astronaut, army general and scientist of Slovene descent, Ronald Šega, who took part in two NASA missions in space, paid a visit to Loški Potok where his roots are.


Lepota bivanja Nagrajeni oblikovalski dosežki slovenskih podjetij s prestižno rdečo piko

5. 7. 2018Hladilnik z lesenim predalnikom, izvijač z v držalu skritimi nastavki, inovativno ulično svetilo, kavni aparat, ki deluje prek mobilne aplikacije, Akrapovičev izpušni sistem in otroški ...


News in English World-renowned pianist Dubravka Tomšič Srebotnjak awarded Golden Order for Services

4. 7. 2018President Borut Pahor on Wednesday awarded the internationally acclaimed pianist Dubravka Tomšič Srebotnjak with the Golden Order for Services.


News in English The Academy that hands out the prestigious Oscars has invited Špela Čadež to join its ranks

28. 6. 2018“This is another interesting invitation in the field of animated films, since some of the invitees have been among those unjustly overlooked by the Academy in recent years.

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