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News in English Food marked as "healthy" is in average only slightly better

26. 8. 2016A research showed that in Slovenia there is still a lot of room for improvement of the contents of prepacked food marked by producers as "healthy". Such food is in average only slightly better.


News in English Dispute with Prevent leads to a halt in production of Golfs in Germany

19. 8. 2016German car maker Volkswagen has stopped the production of the seventh generation of Golf vehicles in Wolfsburg. Reuters reports that the company has problems with its suppliers.


News in English Tourism in Slovenia’s and Austria’s Carinthia regions - like day and night

16. 8. 2016While Austria’s Carinthia region generates up to one billion euros in profit from tourism, Slovenia’s Carinthia (Koroška) region is in a poor state.


Svet Medijska gurujka Arianna Huffington zapušča Huffington Post

12. 8. 2016Arianna Huffington, ena najvplivnejših žensk v svetu medijev, zapušča spletno stran The Huffington Post, ki jo je soustanovila pred dobrim desetletjem, saj namerava lansirati zagonsko podjetje ...


News in English Education since independence

7. 8. 2016In the 25 years of Slovenia’s independence, the country’s education system has moved dynamically up a steep path.


Slovenia Revealed London Calling

3. 8. 2016In 1941, the people of Slovenia found themselves in a difficult situation.


News in English A Slovenian YPG fighter dies in the battlefields of Syria

2. 8. 2016Martin Gruden, a native of Ljubljana, died in an offensive on the Syrian city of Manbij. The city is currently under control of the Islamic State.


News in English “The notions of harmful and useful do not exist in nature. Every species has its place in the chain.”

16. 7. 2016Beetles – especially stag beetle as well as the great capricorn beetle, Morimus funereus and the Rosalia longcorn – are the best indicators of the condition the ecosystems are in.


News in English Four German citizens die in plane crash

15. 7. 2016A small Piper 32 aircraft crashed near Ajdovščina on Thursday in the area of Predmeja. Arriving at the scene firefighters found the charred remains of four people.


News in English To learn about personal stories is to overcome ignorance

12. 7. 2016I’ve met Boštjan Videmšek on a Saturday evening, nearby Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana, where most of the "conventional" journalists get their degree.


Film in TV Kiarostami, mojster filmske poezije

5. 7. 2016" Ne le filmski ustvarjalec, bil je sodoben mistik, tako v kinematografiji kot v osebnem življenju ," je o velikanu iranskega filma in enem najbolj prepoznavnih režiserjev Abbasu Kiarostamiju ...


Begunska kriza Na libijsko obalo naplavilo 117 trupel, domnevno prebežnikov. Med mrtvimi tudi otroci.

3. 6. 2016Po poročanju libijskih medijev je na obalo Libije naplavilo 117 trupel, domnevno prebežnikov. Medtem so južno od Krete rešili okoli 340 prebežnikov.


News in English Tale of quack surgeries – why supervision failed

26. 5. 2016A grisly tale of quack surgeries of varicose veins performed by the private surgeon Janez Zimmerman, who operated also in hotel rooms and beauty parlours, caused an outrage, but also posed a number ...


News in English Courts managing situation well - they solve more cases then they receive.

19. 5. 2016The court council is to publish a new open call for new Supreme Court president, as there were no applications for the post in the first round.


Slovenia Revealed The Enduring Loyalty of a Slovenian American

18. 5. 2016Edi Gobec made his mark as a leading sociologist, even though he had to leave Slovenia because of the hostile political environment in his homeland.

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