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Iskanje • weekend

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News in English Cold fronts have been effective in bringing dreary September weather to Slovenia

28. 9. 2017In late September, we reported that a “summerkiller” was on its way – this pseudo-English term is used in Slovenia to refer to cold fronts that bring rain and a substantial fall in temperatures.


News in English Istria Bike Marathon kicks off on Saturday

22. 9. 2017The Istria Bike Marathon, the largest cycling event in the region of Istria, is set to take place this weekend in and around Portorož.


Zanimivosti Američani so se mastili s kranjskimi klobasami in se vrteli v ritmu polke

16. 9. 2017Dvorana slavnih in muzej polke v Clevelandu v ameriški zvezni državi Ohio sta ta teden priredila tradicionalni festival kranjske klobas in polke, ki se ga je udeležilo več kot 1200 ljudi.


News in English Happening this weekend: craft beer in Ljubljana and Sevnica

7. 9. 2017Despite an unfavorable weather forecast, a lively weekend is in store for Slovenia. Many of the events will revolve around craft beer.


Zanimivosti Superbabica iz Sibirije s potovanji žanje simpatije po vsem svetu

29. 8. 2017Da nikoli ni prepozno, dokazuje 90-letna Lena Erhova iz sibirskega Krasnojarska, ki se je pred enim letom odločila, da bo prepotovala svet.


News in English 48 hours in Ljubljana

19. 8. 2017Whether we would like to admit it or not, Ljubljana is a small city. With just under 280,000 inhabitants it doesn’t give off the feeling of a metropolis simply because it isn’t one.


Radio Si Trafficwise we're in for a very busy weekend

29. 7. 2017Significant congestion is expected on Slovenian roads today and tomorrow, especially on ones headed from Austria and Italy to the borders with Croatia and Hungary.


Družabno Aljaž Škorjanec v zakon, z estrado na Otok plesat še Nadiya Bychkova

22. 7. 2017Aljaž Škorjanec, slovenski plesalec, ki je na Otoku zaslovel v tamkajšnji različici šova Zvezde plešejo (Strictly Come Dancing), se je poročil s plesalko Janette Manrara.


Blogs Why Slovenia?

16. 7. 2017Last time, I discussed why cobblestone, socialism, advertising and Rog's Pony bicycles all help to make Slovenia a better place to live than America.


News in English When can we expect the biggest traffic jams on Slovenia’s roads?

21. 6. 2017The start of the holiday season is a chance for many families to get in their cars and head for the seaside tourist destinations. But that results in long queues of heated steel on the roads.


News in English 14,000 hikers experienced the Alpe-Adria Trail last year

5. 6. 2017The annual opening ceremony for the Alpe-Adria Trial, which took place in the Bovec area over the weekend, is intended to promote a trail whose popularity is constantly increasing.


News in English Kampl fast on the field and behind the wheel

8. 5. 2017Things are not going according to plan this season for Bayer from Leverkusen, where Slovenian Kevin Kampl is among the top players.


News in English Pleasant and educational: thematic weekends by Lake Cerknica

1. 5. 2017The regional park of Inner Carniola has been organising thematic Sundays by Lake Cerknica for three years now.

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