24. 6. 2018A memorial plaque devoted to one of the most prominent contemporary Slovene composers and pedagogues, Alojz Srebotnjak (1931–2010), was unveiled on Friday in Postojna – on the facade of the house ...
23. 6. 2018Plečnik's house – built and owned by Jože Plečnik, Slovenia's most prominent architect – in Ljubljana is among the 26 most valuable monuments of European cultural heritage, announced the expert jury ...
16. 6. 2018New weekend, a new variety of events, among which the highlights include FUKSi Festival in Ljubljana and the Idrija Lace Festival in Idrija.
15. 6. 2018Il Lubiana Jazz Festival è il più longevo d'Europa; un festival che è sempre molto attento alle nuove tendenze europee della musica d'oggi e che valorizza i propri artisti lanciandoli su un panorama ...
14. 6. 2018Čeprav filmska industrija v zadnjem času vse bolj na široko odpira vrata različnim glasovom in zgodbam, je nova študija Šole za komunikologijo in novinarstvo pod okriljem Univerze v Južni ...
13. 6. 2018The Župančič awards, the highest prizes awarded by Ljubljana Municipality for outstanding creations in the fields of art and culture, were conferred in the Creative Centre Švicarija.
8. 6. 2018"He was a vagabond on theatre stages, hidden behind curtains, screens and puppets – deep scars were on his face, scars made by life. But he was nevertheless glowing with grace and with the warmth of ...
5. 6. 2018Pozdravljeni v oddaji Second hand. Pred desetimi leti v začetku junija je pri 80-tih letih starosti preminil Ellas McDaniel, rojen Ellas Otha Bates, znan pa pod imenom Bo Diddley.
5. 6. 2018Pozdravljeni v oddaji Second hand. Danes oddajo posvečamo pesmi, ki počasi pridobiva na radijskem času in mestih na lestvicah. Gre za pesem Vincent od Ellie Goulding.
30. 5. 2018Predsednik Slovenske nacionalne stranke Zmago Jelinčič in nekdanji poslanec Andrej Lenarčič sta v Ljubljani predstavila knjigo o določitvi meje med Slovenijo in Hrvaško z naslovom Final award ali ...
28. 5. 2018Jezersko joined 28 locations in Austria, Italy, Bavaria and South Tyrol, which form part of the international network of Mountaineering Villages.
21. 5. 2018Madrid's basketball prince Luka Dončić has finally been crowned a king, ascending the European throne. In Belgrade, the 19-year-old helped Real Madrid to win its tenth European title.
17. 5. 2018"We define what we do at the label as independent, alternative, lateral music – definitely niche oriented, which is not part of any particular genre as such," says musician, producer and co-founder ...
10. 5. 2018S slavnostnim odprtjem v Kranju se je začel peti Teden ljubiteljske kulture (TLK), v okviru katerega se bo do 20. maja po vsej Sloveniji zvrstilo več kot 1000 različnih dogodkov.