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News in English The Slovene "MacGyvers" from the Želimlje high school built the best safe in the world

1. 4. 2015The safe, which the students from the Želimlje high school came up with at an international physics tournament, is described by their mentor, Peter Šlajpah, as being "the right amount annoying, but ...


Svet Kopilot naj bi namerno strmoglavil nemško letalo

26. 3. 2015Francoski tožilci domnevajo, da je 27-letni kopilot airbusa 320 družbe Germanwings, ki je v torek padel v francoskih Alpah, namenoma strmoglavil letalo.


Slovenia Revealed Slovenian trailblazers in the NHL

18. 3. 2015In 2006, Anže Kopitar became the first Slovenian-born player in the National Hockey League.


Vagabund Zima v Vancouvru

4. 3. 2015Da, tudi v Vancouvru - po pogovoru z domačini - na srečo že dalj časa ni prave zime, ki bi prinesla veliko preveč padavin.


News in English In spring Slovenia is covered with a carpet of snowdrops

23. 2. 2015The weather outside still reminds of winter, but there is no doubt that the spring is approaching! The first snowdrops are the best proof. Did you know that they are also used for medicinal purposes?


Slovenija "Rdeča zvezda tokrat udarila v Kanadi"

24. 1. 2015"Končno smo dobili potrditev, da je Slovenija v svetu močna politična sila. Wolfa so aretirali zaradi "političnih pritiskov" iz Slovenije," je bil eden izmed odzivov v slovenski tvitosferi na ...


News in English Walter Wolf was arrested in Canada

20. 1. 2015The Austrian-Slovenian-Canadian businessman Walter Wolf was arrested in Canada on the basis of a Slovenian arrest warrant in connection with the Patria corruption scandal.


Slovenia Revealed Slovenia is also a hockey nation

6. 1. 2015The Slovenian ice hockey team will make its Olympic debut at the Sochi Winter Olympics. Merely qualifying for the Olympics represents a success unprecedented in the history of hockey in Slovenia.


News in English A new chapter in the communication between humans and technology

5. 1. 2015Raising and lowering your blinds by just waving your hand. Controlling your lights from a distance. The innovation that won first prize at the 9th Slovenian Innovation Forum enables all that.


Cultura Nuova edizione per "Protagonisti senza protagonismo", di Viviana Facchinetti

15. 12. 2014È stato presentato a Trieste, nella sede dell'Associazione delle Comunità Istriane, il volume riveduto e ampliato della giornalista triestina Viviana Facchinetti dal titolo "Protagonisti senza ...


News in English Fantastic second run brought another victory for Tina Maze

12. 12. 2014Tina Maze remained victorious also in Europe, after good results in the North America. In Aare she won her 26th victory in the World Cup, thanks to her great performance in the second run.


News in English Maze takes third in Canada

8. 12. 2014Slovenia's star skier Tina Maze took third place in the World Cup super-G competition in Canada yesterday. Lara Gut of Switzerland won the race, while the American Lindsey Vonn took second place.


News in English Villa Bled is more appreciated abroad than at home

6. 12. 2014The worry became even more justifiable in the autumn of 2012 when Sportina definitively abandoned the Villa.


News in English Snowy roads only for the last 250 km? It calls for celebration!

11. 11. 2014The World Cup caravan of Alpine skiers has moved to Levi. Not all of them came by plane. A part of the Slovenian team travelled 3,300 km by car.


Slovenia Revealed A Slovenian-born architect is sharing his success with others

5. 11. 2014Janez Hacin has not only made a career as world-class architect, but his philanthropic work is also helping future generations of talented Slovenians to follow in his footsteps.

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