6. 5. 2018Priljubljeni dominikansko-ameriški pisatelj Junot Díaz v svojih delih na elokventen, poetičen način ubeseduje bolečino spolnega nasilja; obtožbe, da je tudi sam kriv neprimernega obnašanja, so zato ...
3. 5. 2018The European Commission in Brussels hosted an oral hearing in connection to Slovenia's letter about its intent to file a lawsuit against Croatia because of its refusal to implement the border ...
29. 4. 2018The Slovenian film Rudar (The Miner) , written and directed by Hanna Slak, has received three awards at the 36th Fajr International Film Festival in Tehran.
24. 4. 2018" Slika je misterij, vsaka velika umetnina je misterij - ne slišim vseh slik, nekatere pa resnično zvenijo, " je v intervjuju ob podelitvi Prešernove nagrade svoje dojemanje slik opisala akademska ...
17. 4. 2018Prva zvezda letošnjega festivala Coachella Beyoncé se je med svojim nastopom v kalifornijski puščavi na poseben način poklonila štirim univerzam, ki jih obiskujejo pretežno temnopolti študenti.
10. 4. 2018Last week the European Commission informed Slovenia and Croatia that it will prepare a hearing on the 2nd of May in connection with the Slovenian letter about its intent to file a lawsuit against ...
5. 4. 2018"Niko Kralj's ghost must be very pleased with this, and there probably isn't a designer in the world who could wish for a bigger honor," states a press release issued by the Rex Kralj company.
31. 3. 2018Glasujte za osebnost Primorske v marcu 2018! 1. Anna Wedam in Rudi Bartaloth, borca za slovenski jezik in kulturo v Kanalski dolini 2. Jasna Čebron, neutrudna animatorka kulturnega življenja v Kopru
28. 3. 2018The best restaurants in the country have been recognized at the Slovenia Restaurant Awards, with the winners based on a combination of votes from an expert jury and the public.
28. 3. 2018There is a chronic lack of available places in Slovenia's retirement homes. Five mayors from the Gorenjska region and Slovenia's interior are trying to solve the problem on their own.
16. 3. 2018Slovenia delivered a letter to the European Commission today about its intention to sue Croatia due to its refusal to accept the border arbitration award. The content of the letter is confidential.
11. 3. 2018If you mention the name Idrija to most Slovenes, two words immediately come to mind (mercury and lace), perhaps followed shortly thereafter by a third (žlikrof).