11. 11. 2014The World Cup caravan of Alpine skiers has moved to Levi. Not all of them came by plane. A part of the Slovenian team travelled 3,300 km by car.
5. 11. 2014Janez Hacin has not only made a career as world-class architect, but his philanthropic work is also helping future generations of talented Slovenians to follow in his footsteps.
23. 9. 2014Ob stoletnici rojstva kanadskega filmskega inovatorja Normana McLarna, ki velja za pionirja animiranega filma, v Kinoteki predvajajo retrospektivo njegovih del.
6. 9. 2014In spite of 50 rainy days in the period from June to August, there were more than 450,000 overnights stays in the hotels of Piran Municipality, just as last year.
26. 7. 2014Jožica Kučera, 77 years old, is getting ready for a very unusual holiday: for one week she will exchange her room at a nursing home with the room of 81-year old Miguel Ribas from Matara, Spain.
21. 7. 2014"We are training very well indeed," was satisfied the Slovenian basketball team selector Jure Zdovc at the Media Day in Zreče. Yet he admitted he was not perfectly calm.
21. 7. 2014"This year I applied with the intention to win. It was the only option for me," says Matevž Poljanc, a member of the Škofijska klasična gimnazija (Diocesan Classical High School) team, together with ...
20. 7. 2014Potniki so za najboljšo letalsko družbo letos izglasovali Cathay Pacific Airways s sedežem v Hongkongu, slovenska Adria pa se je uvrstila na sedmo mesto med prevozniki v vzhodni Evropi. Nagrado za
4. 5. 2014Nacionalni park Jasper v kanadskem Skalnem gorovju je zadnji, ki je bogatejši za vrtoglavo razgledno ploščad Glacier Skywalk, ki pričara obiskovalcem iluzijo lebdenja nad veličastno pokrajino.
22. 3. 2014Košarkar Oklahoma Cityja Kevin Durant je v noči iz petka na soboto blestel v Torontu. Dosegel je kar 51 točk in svoji ekipi pomagal do zmage nad Raptorsi (118:119).
15. 3. 2014Za imenom kleemar se skriva Sobočan Matej Končan, elektronski producent, ki je na naši glasbeni sceni sicer že več kot celo desetletje, vendar pa je šele konec lanskega leta izdal ploščo z lastno ...