30. 10. 2018Glasbenica Selena Gomez je bila po številu sledilcev kar nekaj časa na vrhu družbenega omrežja Instagram, zdaj pa ji je ta naziv odvzel znani nogometaš Cristiano Ronaldo.
26. 10. 2018The signing of an agreement with contractors marked the final step in the renovation of the areas below the north and south stands of the Ljudski Vrt Stadium. These areas have been empty for years.
23. 10. 2018The Supervisory Board of the Slovenian Sovereign Holding is expected to confirm the price range for NLB shares in the Initial public offering (IPO) process.
8. 10. 2018The City Art Gallery, a big step towards lasting mobility, gaining European funds, and major renovations and investments in Ptuj are some of the things Miran Senčar emphasizes as the legacy of his ...
4. 10. 2018The Aljaž Tower is home again. Renovated, but almost completely original. From Mojstrana a helicopter of the Slovenian Army flew it back to 2,864 meters above sea level.
16. 9. 2018Na zadnji etapi 73. Dirke po Španiji je zmagal Elia Viviani, ki si je privozil že tretjo letošnjo etapno zmago in dokazal, da je najboljši šprinter Vuelte.
15. 9. 2018This Saturday, the last action of Let's Clean Up Slovenia is taking place throughout Slovenia. Its organizers, Ecologists Without Borders, say that every helping hand is welcome.
7. 9. 2018Slovenia is one of the countries with strict gun laws, and about 28,000 people have a permit to carry weapons, of which almost three quarters are hunters. In recent days, Andrej Šiško
7. 9. 2018Wout Poels iz ekipe Sky je zmagovalec 6. etape Dirke po Britaniji. Primož Roglič na koncu ni držal ritma najboljših in skupno ni več vodilni.
6. 9. 2018Primož Roglič je po peti etapi Dirke po Britaniji, 14 km dolgem moštvenem kronometru, oblekel zeleno majico vodilnega. Njegova ekipa LottoNL-Jumbo je bila najhitrejša.