28. 11. 2016Two days, 106 vintners, more than 400 wines - and crowded Union Hotel, where the last November weekend is traditionally dedicated to the Slovenian Wine Festival, accompanied by the Culinary Festival.
14. 11. 2016While the small Španov vrh ski resort was recently shut down, the skiing season is now officially underway on the ski slopes overlooking Maribor.
12. 11. 2016In a press release FIDES has announced it would tighten strike measure on 15 November before adding they will still be attend negotiations on Monday.
11. 11. 2016Pevec znane skupine Coldplay je v intervjuju razkril, kako jih je Beyonce zavrnila, ko so se nanjo prvič obrnili s prošnjo za glasbeno sodelovanje.
2. 11. 2016The Postojna Cave on Tuesday recorded its millionth guest of the year. However, this milestone caught the operators of the cave by surprise, so they forgot to greet the milestone visitor.
25. 10. 2016"Rad bi se zahvalil soigralcem, trenerskemu štabu in zlasti svoji družini za vse," je ob prejemu nagrade za najboljšega vratarja Španije dejal Jan Oblak.
3. 10. 2016After this weekend’s matches, the three players who are expected to be the star performers in Slovenia’s matches against Slovakia and England -- the invincible Oblak, the omnipresent Kampl and the ...
27. 9. 2016As the Kanin cableway still takes hikers up to the mountain, workers from the Kaskader company are finishing their work on the ski chairlifts.
25. 9. 2016Številni obiskovalci so se ta konec tedna zgrnili v rastlinjak ameriške raziskovalne univerze Dartmouth, da bi ujeli cvetenje največje rože na svetu, ki hkrati velja tudi za daleč najbolj smrdljivo.
28. 8. 2016The best Slovenian basketball player Goran Dragić has had a visitor during the preparations of the Slovenian national team for the European championship.
31. 7. 2016At the end of the Semedela promenade in Koper a new water sports park was opened, offering more than 50 sport activities during weekends – some on water, and some on dry land.