25. 2. 2018Young Slovenian percussionists Jan Čibej and Luka Poljanec have won the international percussion competition that took place in Luxembourg this week.
16. 2. 2018V Muzeju za arhitekturo in oblikovanje (MAO) v Ljubljani poteka Ustvarjalna izmenjava - evropsko srečanje ljubiteljev in strokovnjakov s področja arhitekture in oblikovanja.
16. 2. 2018A lack of almost one thousands soldiers in the ranks of Slovenia's permanent armed forces is forcing the Ministry of Defence to look into some extreme measures.
13. 2. 2018The strike wave in Slovenia has been joined by medical and social care workers. They staged a two-hour strike today between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.
10. 2. 2018Kapetan zlate slovenske košarkarske reprezentance Goran Dragić je bil izbran za najboljšega igralca Evrope v letu 2017, za njim pa se je znašel košarkarski biser Luka Dončić.
6. 2. 2018Slovensko-hrvaška koprodukcija Moški ne jočejo je bogatejša za še eno lovoriko, saj so film ovenčali z nagrado za najboljši mednarodni film na festivalu v Göteborgu na Švedskem.
5. 2. 2018Food Tank, a US based NGO has been building a global community for safe food since 2013. It compiled a list of the most progressive young food and farming entrepreneurs.
28. 1. 2018Beer has a long history in the Slovenian lands, as seen by the find in the Ljubljansko Barje wetlands of beer barrels dating back 3,900 years.
27. 1. 2018Less than a month after the deadline given by the Court of Arbitration to Slovenia and Croatia to enforce a judicial decision on the border between the two countries, the Slovenian police sent their ...
16. 1. 2018Croatian fishermen do not want the permits offered to them by the Slovenian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, for them to be able to fish in Slovenian waters.
16. 1. 2018"For the first time in history they're using a new rule which no one, except the referees and match delegates, now about. And of course, they're using it against Slovenia," said the head coach of ...
12. 1. 2018The Slovenian Infrastructure Agency has for long been choosing a contractor for the archeological excavation work on the route of the second rail track.