23. 2. 2014Veličastni olimpijski turnir vseh hokejskih zvezd sveta se končuje. Zadnje vprašanje se glasi - kdo se bo odel v zlato, "vredno 50 milijard"? Švedska tretjič ali Kanada devetič?
14. 2. 2014It is the second time in a row that the Winter Olympic Games are being held in a country where ice hockey has the status of a religion. Therefore the home team has only one goal – to win the Olympic ...
7. 2. 2014Številni režiserji so na velika platna prenesli tudi različne športne zgodbe. Dan, ki smo ga ob začetku zimskih olimpijskih iger na MMC-ju posvetili športu, je izvrstna priložnost, da se ozremo po ...
27. 1. 2014What was the list big secret of the ice hockey tournament in Sochi? Slovenia's Olympic jersey. It has now been revealed by the International Ice Hockey Federation on its official 2014 Olympic Games ...
24. 1. 2014V Jugoslaviji zgrajena križarka, ki je izginila v nevihti v Novi Fundlandiji, se je po letu dni znova pojavila - in z okuženimi podganami na krovu naj bi plula proti Veliki Britaniji oz. Irski.
21. 1. 2014The executive board of the Olympic Committee of Slovenia has determined the names of 66 athletes for Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games. The flag will be carried by the hockey team captain Tomaž ...
26. 11. 2013Že v 48. sekundi podaljška je Anže Kopitar drugič letos postal junak podaljška, s čimer je Los Angelesu prinesel zmago nad Vancouvrom s 3:2.
25. 11. 2013S pogovornim večerom s pesnico (in špansko veleposlanico v Sloveniji), Anunciado Fernández de Córdova, se danes v Knjižnici Prežihovega Voranca začenja Teden španske kulture v Mestni Knjižnici ...
19. 11. 2013Slovenian national football team will play a match against Canada. This will be their final game of the season. The teams will start playing at 6pm.
25. 10. 2013There are plenty of candidates, from rock group Siddharta, to cult legends Laibach, and many more ... but one often overlooked superstar is Slavko Avsenik. The song "Na Golici" – known in the German ...
23. 10. 2013“Our system does not enable the use of medical herbs and self-supply with them,” says Jaka Bitenc, the president of the Slovenian Cannabis Social Club, who plans to send three bills to the ...
18. 9. 2013Vienna is hosting Let's Cee, a film festival featuring film production from Central and Eastern Europe. Works by Damjan Kozole, a prominent Slovenian filmmaker, have been given a retrospective.