24. 7. 2016Ljubljana's Congress Square is packed with water fun this weekend – owing to a 150-metre-long water slide. Don't forget to bring along your bathing suit when going to Ljubljana this weekend.
21. 7. 2016Po pravljični poroki v Benetkah, kjer sta opravila tako civilni kot cerkveni obred, sta si zakonca Schweinsteiger privoščila oddih na Maldivih.
9. 7. 2016The traditional Kekec Days took place in Kranjska Gora this past weekend, with Josip Vandot’s fairytale characters serving as the common theme of the event.
3. 6. 2016All over the country the first weekend in June offers a number of events. It will be very lively in the Goriška brda hills, where the wine growers traditionally open their cellars.
31. 5. 2016Slovenian human rights activist Tomo Križnar returned to Slovenia after spending a week in a jail in South Sudan. He said that this was one of the most horrific experiences of his life.
27. 5. 2016Lately two problems might be discussed under that title, the first being the fact that the best Slovenian restaurants are having a hard time in finding personnel, and the second that some of the ...
22. 5. 2016Stritar Street in Ljubljana has again offered record sweet goodness – after the longest baklava, on Saturday passers-by could taste a piece of cheese strudel that measured 160 metres in length.
19. 5. 2016Two athletes who have been the driving force of the Slovenian marathon in the period after the independence have together 100 years – 50 each.
26. 4. 2016This week it was practically impossible to find a vacancy in the Gorška brda region – despite a threatening, almost apocalyptic weather forecast.
24. 4. 2016Pevka, ki je leta 2013 spremenila pravila igre in brez kakršnih koli napovedi izdala svoj peti studijski album skupaj s serijo videospotov, je ponovila vzorec in postregla z njegovih naslednikom.
5. 4. 2016"Certain coaches do not wish my presence. You can already see some low punches," is Andrea Massi’s response, to whether he would be prepared to take over a bigger role in Slovenian skiing.
18. 3. 2016Neodvisni britanski film o ljubezenski zvezi med moškima se je v Italiji izkazal za uspešnico - čeprav je Vatikan menda skušal "zamrzniti" njegovo predvajanje.