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Iskanje • report

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News in English School's out for summer

24. 6. 2015The long-awaited summer holidays are finally here. School is out for the summer for 168,000 primary school and 75,000 secondary school pupils in Slovenia.


News in English First charges against a bank for forging signatures on franc-based loans

20. 6. 2015The story about the Hypo and Raiffeisen banks forging signature of their clients who took loans in Swiss francs is starting to unfold.


News in English Human Rights Ombudsman issues many recommendations for the state

19. 6. 2015A number of people, on the brink of poverty, have faced human rights violations. The state »does not see or hear« the poor.


News in English Fewer apartments built in 2014

13. 6. 2015Last year investors built 9172 apartments in Slovenia, which is 7.3% less than the year before. The construction was completed on approximately a third of them, i.e.


News in English Klemenčič: I would request Fišer's resignation were it possible

29. 5. 2015It will be difficult for the State Prosecutor General Zvonko Fišer to do his job, believes Minister of Justice Goran Klemenčič. He would request Fišer's resignation if he had the competence.


News in English Everemore equal in wages, everemore equal in poverty"

27. 5. 2015The pay gap among workers in the EU has been increasing, especially since the economic crisis. The difference in wages in Great Britain is already bigger than the average pay gap in the U.S.


News in English Minister of Health Calls for Resignations at UKC and Neurology Clinic

21. 5. 2015Minister of health Milojka Kolar Celarc in reference to the Radan case requested irrevocable resignations of the top officials of the UKC Ljubljana hospital and the Neurologic Clinic.


News in English Slovenian prisons have no waiting lists

19. 5. 2015On average, 1511 people were in prison or detention in Slovenia in 2014, up 81 over the year before. The number of people employed in the Slovenian prison services has meanwhile decreased.


News in English State Prosecutor General Fišer Sees no Reason to Resign

12. 5. 2015“Calls for me to resign are politically motivated, their aim is to weaken and destabilize the State Prosecutor General's Office,” State Prosecutor General Zvonko Fišer said in his response to a ...


News in English OECD: Slovenia should push privatisation, introduce pension reform

4. 5. 2015Slovenia should continue with privatisation and introduce pension reforms in order to ensure long-term financial stability of the country, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and ...


News in English Unofficially: Patria case to go on retrial. Constitutional Court: A decision has not yet been made.

20. 4. 2015The Reporter magazine writes that the Constitutional Court will annul the ruling in the Patria case and order a retrial. The Constitutional Court informs that a decision has not yet been made.


News in English Lobbying influence – unsupervised grey zone

20. 4. 2015It took Slovenia almost 15 years to reach a certain level of lobbying legislation, but most of the activities are still going on hidden from the public, and without any transparency whatsoever.


News in English Supervision established "suspicious death" of another Radan's patient

2. 4. 2015The commission performed the internal control of the second disputable case of patient death at the Department of Neurology of the UMC Ljubljana, treated by Ivan Radan.


News in English OVS reported Tonin to police over unauthorised disclosure of classified information

2. 4. 2015By unofficial information the Military Intelligence Agency OVS has reported MP Matej Tonin to police for suspected criminal act of disclosure of classified information.

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