22. 5. 2018In August we can look forward to a basketball spectacle in which fans will be able to see Slovenia's great basketball players Boštjan Nachbar and Sani Bečirović play for one last time, as they say ...
21. 5. 2018Madrid's basketball prince Luka Dončić has finally been crowned a king, ascending the European throne. In Belgrade, the 19-year-old helped Real Madrid to win its tenth European title.
14. 5. 2018There was a turnout of less than 15% in the rerun of the referendum on the construction, management and governance of the second track – which meant that the minimum requirement was not met.
6. 5. 2018Elia Viviani je najboljši šprinter na začetku Dirke po Italiji. Kolesar ekipe Quick Step je dobil tudi tretjo etapo, zadnjo v Izraelu. Po torkovem prostem dnevu se karavana seli na Sicilijo.
6. 5. 2018Women have been part of Slovenian military missions since the Alba operation 20 years ago. One of these brave soldiers is Major Nina Raduha, commander of the Slovenian Contingent in Lebanon.
20. 4. 2018D: Maurizio Tremul ha sciolto questo pomeriggio le riserve e ha deciso di scendere in campo per le prossime parlamentari. Quali i motivi, presidente Tremul?
16. 4. 2018Revija Monocle je v začetku leta posadko portugalske letalske družbe TAP razglasila za najlepšo na svetu. Pri tem je upoštevala tako njihove stevardese kot tudi pilote.
6. 4. 2018At a session of the parliamentary Foreign Policy Committee, the outgoing PM Miro Cerar and Foreign Minister Karl Erjavec stressed that Slovenia’s action in the Skripal affair was appropriate.
1. 4. 2018Niki Terpstra je zmagi na dirki Pariz-Roubaix (2014) dodal še drugo največjo enodnevno kolesarsko klasiko, saj je bil najmočnejši na Dirki po Flandriji.