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News in English Ljubljana against plastic bags: Can we do without them?

19. 6. 2018As part of a campaign against plastic bags, shopkeepers and catering services in the centre of Ljubljana are called to offer customers only paper and biodegradable bags.


Kolesarstvo Bilbao dobil gorsko etapo, Thomas pred skupno zmago

9. 6. 2018Kolesar Astane Pello Bilbao je zmagovalec šeste etape kriterija Dauphine, ki se je po 110 kilometrih končala z zaključnim vzponom na La Rosiere Espace San Bernardo. Drugi je bil Geraint Thomas.


News in English Only 22 female MPs in the new parliament

8. 6. 2018The new National Assembly will have 22 female deputies, which is 9 less than in the current parliamentary assembly.


Kolesarstvo Cataldo brez nagrade, skupno na vrhu trojica iz Skya

7. 6. 2018Julian Alaphilippe je po šprintu četverice dobil prvo gorsko etapo letošnjega kriterija Dauphine. Rumeno majico ima še naprej Sky, a ne Michal Kwiatkowski, ampak Gianni Moscon.


Kolesarstvo Sky razred zase na tretji etapi; Kwiatkowski spet v vodstvu

6. 6. 2018Ekipa Sky je zmagovalka tretje etape kolesarskega kriterija Dauphine. Britansko moštvo je slavilo na 35 kilometrov dolgi vožnji na čas med krajema Pont-de-Vaux in Louhans-Chateaurenaud.


News in English Elections in Slovenia: Anti-immigrant party tipped to win

3. 6. 2018The head of the anti-immigrant party widely tipped to win national elections in Slovenia on Sunday said forming a government would not be easy, as he cast his ballot in a town in the country's east.


Slovenia Revealed Capturing the Mountains on Film

29. 5. 2018For the Slovenian people, mountains have long been a source of pride and national identity.


Družabno FUKSI je zavedanje "zelene dežele", glasbe in utripa mest

29. 5. 2018Treba je videti kar nekaj tujih dežel, da razumeš stavek: "V eni uri si lahko povsem drugje, na morju ali v gorah, parke imamo na vsakem koraku. Kako je vse zeleno!"


Dirka po Italiji Yates prvič v težavah - prednost se je prepolovila

24. 5. 2018Nemec Maximilian Schachmann je zmagovalec 18. etape kolesarske Dirke po Italiji, na kateri je bil "rožnati" Simon Yates v finišu nepričakovano v težavah.


Kolesarstvo Četrta etapna zmaga Vivianija, Bennett izgubil živce

23. 5. 2018Elia Viviani je znova dokazal, da je najboljši šprinter na Dirki po Italiji. Italijan se je veselil že četrte etapne zmage. Pred odločilnimi tremi gorskimi etapami je v rožnati majici Simon Yates.


News in English Diamantidis, Krstić, and other basketball legends at Boki's and Sani's farewell

22. 5. 2018In August we can look forward to a basketball spectacle in which fans will be able to see Slovenia's great basketball players Boštjan Nachbar and Sani Bečirović play for one last time, as they say ...


News in English King Luka conquers basketball Europe

21. 5. 2018Madrid's basketball prince Luka Dončić has finally been crowned a king, ascending the European throne. In Belgrade, the 19-year-old helped Real Madrid to win its tenth European title.


News in English Dream end to the season - MVP Dončić brings the "la decima" to Real

21. 5. 2018What an end to the Euroleague – in a tense match in Belgrade, Real Madrid managed to beat the favourites Fenerbahce (85:80).


News in English Initiators of the referendum on the second rail track fail once again

14. 5. 2018There was a turnout of less than 15% in the rerun of the referendum on the construction, management and governance of the second track – which meant that the minimum requirement was not met.

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