1. 4. 2015Prevpraševanje o družbi, ki jih obdaja, generaciji, ki jim pripadajo, je sprožil ustvarjalni tok zasedbe Ludovik Material, ki so svoja občutja zaokrožili na albumu Model Generation.
31. 3. 2015Prime Minister Miro Cerar today submitted a motion to dismiss Defence Minister Janko Veber. It appears that Veber’s Social Democrats (SD) are the only party that still stand behind him.
18. 3. 2015The convicted former CEO of port operator Luka Koper, Robert Časar, has returned to Slovenia. He was handed over to the police and has already been taken to the Dob prison.
9. 3. 2015“We call upon political decision-makers to strike down the law on internships,” youth organizations said as they urged MPs not to sign the Act on Measures for Internships into law.
9. 3. 2015According to the 2015 EU Justice Scoreboard released by the European Commission, Slovenia’s already weak judicial independence has deteriorated even further.
7. 3. 2015Heta Asset Resolution will soon, free of charge, transfer the circular cable car and Presteljenik restaurant at the top of the Kanin ski resort to Bovec Municipality.
6. 3. 2015Goran Dragić se je opravičil za svoje besede ob prestopu iz Phoenixa v Miami, hkrati pa razkril veselo novico - pozno poleti bo dobil drugega otroka. Očka bo postal tudi njegov brat Zoran.
4. 3. 2015The Court of Audit has found that the government and Ministry of Finance have acted inefficiently in setting the conditions for the functioning of the bad bank, as well as in the transfer of toxic ...
2. 3. 2015PM Miro Cerar will not call on Justice Minister Goran Klemenčič to resign, despite a Supreme Court decision on an Anti-Corruption Commission report from the time when the commission was led by ...
28. 2. 2015More than 200 pairs of storks are living in Slovenia, mostly in the north-eastern part. Lately they have started building their nests also in other parts in Slovenia.
26. 2. 2015After the Supreme Court ruled in favour of Janez Janša's appeal regarding the report of anti-corruption commission, Janša said that the report had not applied for him, as "it had failed as a whole ...
11. 2. 2015The operators of the Notification Centres are the first to come in contact with sometimes scared and alarmed people. Their duty is to get adequate information in order to send help.
9. 2. 2015Reduce state involvement in the economy, limit wage growth and adopt a more ambitious pension reform—these are the most important recommendations for Slovenia as identified in the OECD's 2015 Going ...
2. 2. 2015Court cases involving hate speech are rare in Slovenia. That's mostly due to the high criteria needed to be met for the prosecution to go ahead.