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Iskanje • weekend

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News in English Log pod Mangartom invites with a ski slope, sledding area and cross-country track

24. 1. 2017Log pod Mangartom, with its smaller ski slope, sledding area and cross-country ski track, is inviting all those lovers of winter activities.


News in English Peter Prevc takes a break from ski jumping competition for several days

9. 1. 2017After his disappointing performance in the Four Hills Tournament, Prevc has come to an agreement with the head coach of the Slovenian ski jumping teak Goran Janus to take a break and will not appear ...


Preostali športi Seattle našel zmagovalno formulo

8. 1. 2017Nogometaši Seattla so v uvodnem krogu končnice brez večjih težav premagali Detroit s 26:6, v naslednjem krogu jih čaka gostovanje v Atlanti.


News in English Ilka Štuhec bags another victory

16. 12. 2016Ilka Štuhec on Friday won the Alpine combined event in Val d'Isère, France. It was another dominant showing for the Maribor native.


News in English Ukrainians allegedly still haven’t invested into Celje football club

10. 12. 2016Celje’s main football club has had quite a turbulent autumn due to HR changes caused by the arrival of Ukrainian investors.


News in English From Italy to Croatia: another European walking trail will cross Slovenia

7. 12. 2016This weekend, the Slovenian segment of the European E12 walking trail, which runs between the towns of Škofije and Sečovlje and is just under 50 kilometers in length, will be officially opened.


News in English Vogel to open ski season with renovated cable car

4. 12. 2016Although there's barely any snow, this winter's ski season has already started in Kranjska Gora, at Kope and Rogla.


News in English Ski resorts expect one of the best seasons in the last decade

30. 11. 2016Despite the fact that it’s still autumn Slovenia’s largest ski resorts will welcome their fist skiers this weekend.


News in English Slovenian Wine Festival broke all records - hectolitres of wine, and crowds of visitors

28. 11. 2016Two days, 106 vintners, more than 400 wines - and crowded Union Hotel, where the last November weekend is traditionally dedicated to the Slovenian Wine Festival, accompanied by the Culinary Festival.


News in English Pohorje ski resort starts up ski season

14. 11. 2016While the small Španov vrh ski resort was recently shut down, the skiing season is now officially underway on the ski slopes overlooking Maribor.


News in English Doctors set to tighten strike measures on Tuesday if Monday negotiations fall through

12. 11. 2016In a press release FIDES has announced it would tighten strike measure on 15 November before adding they will still be attend negotiations on Monday.


Znani Coldplay: Beyonce nam je prijazno pokazala vrata

11. 11. 2016Pevec znane skupine Coldplay je v intervjuju razkril, kako jih je Beyonce zavrnila, ko so se nanjo prvič obrnili s prošnjo za glasbeno sodelovanje.


News in English Postojna Cave still searching for its millionth visitor of the year

2. 11. 2016The Postojna Cave on Tuesday recorded its millionth guest of the year. However, this milestone caught the operators of the cave by surprise, so they forgot to greet the milestone visitor.


Nogomet Oblak po priznanju: "Srečen, a to ni samo moja zasluga"

25. 10. 2016"Rad bi se zahvalil soigralcem, trenerskemu štabu in zlasti svoji družini za vse," je ob prejemu nagrade za najboljšega vratarja Španije dejal Jan Oblak.

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