31. 1. 2015Yesterday's plentiful snow caused quite a few problems, especially in traffic and power supply. Several roads in Slovenia were covered in black ice this morning.
24. 1. 2015Do you know that every third weekend in January the annual water bird count is organized in Slovenia? This systematic census has been carried out on the sunny side of the Alps since 1997.
13. 1. 2015Ne, Looking niso gejevske Punce ali Seks v mestu, so pa seriji prilepili oznako "ene najbolj revolucionarnih upodobitev življenja gejev na televiziji doslej".
5. 1. 2015Il sottomarino viene costruito in una piccola officina stretta tra aule e corridoi. Tra le grandi finestre i passanti possono curiosare e seguire il lavoro svolto dagli allievi.
4. 1. 2015For many, the Christmas and New Year holidays provide an opportunity to go away on vacations for a few days. In Slovenia, one of the most visited region this weekend was Primorje.
23. 12. 2014The Slovenian jumpers are leaving for the New Year's tour with a record number of points, although they had lost one place in the World Cup. This year the number of favourites is the largest ever.
12. 12. 2014The appearance of the landscape is not favourable for skiing enthusiasts, but there is just enough snow for the beginning of the skiing season.
8. 12. 2014Slovenia's star skier Tina Maze took third place in the World Cup super-G competition in Canada yesterday. Lara Gut of Switzerland won the race, while the American Lindsey Vonn took second place.
24. 11. 2014S poceni pivom, klubi na vsakem koraku in z zabavami za vse generacije, ki trajajo v nedogled, je Berlin izrinil London z vrha seznama najbolj "žurerskih" mest na svetu.
19. 11. 2014Vogel is opening its doors for the ski season as 45 cm of snow fell on its slopes in recent days. The lower part of the ski track will open this weekend.
14. 11. 2014First off, the situation in the flooded areas and the forecast for the upcoming weekend, which is not very promising. The situation in Bač and Koritnice in Illyrian-Bistrica is improving.
8. 11. 2014The fact that wine is the Slovenian national drink is confirmed in November, when vineyard cottages open their doors, practically all villages organize celebrations of St.