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Slovenia Revealed Ancient Slovenian monsters have invaded an American city

8. 2. 2018Late each winter, on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday, during the Carnival season, strange creatures fill the streets of Ptuj, Slovenia’s oldest town.


Slovenia Revealed The Legend of Slovenia’s Sleeping King

6. 2. 2018Slovenian Carinthia (Koroška), in the mountainous north of the country, is not just a place of unusually attractive scenery; it is also the legendary home of a sleeping king whose awakening will one ...


Interesting World Bank sees the future in young farmers

3. 2. 2018The World Bank celebrated the 2017 World Food Day, which is on October 16, with young farmers who try to feed the world and improve food security with innovation, collaboration and hard work.


From here and there The US also contends with a huge lack of a new generation of farmers

3. 2. 2018The latest national study on young American farmers revealed that the average number of young people entering agriculture is on the decline, while the average age for entering the sector is on the ...


Interesting Risk management tools are crucial for the future of young farmers

3. 2. 2018Jannes Maes, president of the European Council of Young Farmers (CEJA), presented suggestions to amend the Common Agricultural Policy for Young Farmers at the informal meeting of EU ministers of ...


Zanimivo Knjižna uspešnica s pismi mladim kmetom

1. 2. 2018Knjiga, ki jo je izdal Center za prehrano in kmetijstvo Stone Barns, neprofitni kmetijski in izobraževalni center v New Yorku, je polna misli številnih najbolj spoštovanih imen v kmetijstvu tega ...


Zanimivo Mlada generacija kmetov je generacija ohranjanja vode

1. 2. 2018V zadnjem desetletju je suša stalnica za kmete v zahodnem delu ZDA, zaradi česar je delo s pomanjkanjem vode tam postalo nekaj običajnega.


Na današnji dan 31. januar: Praznoval bi Pavel Lunaček, junak slovenskih mater

31. 1. 2018Veliko stvari, ki se nam danes zdijo samoumevne, je slovenskim porodnicam omogočil tudi zdravnik Pavel Lunaček. Rodil se je na današnji dan leta 1900. Zdravnik, ginekolog in porodničar, prof. dr.

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