20. 2. 2018Prvi samostojni album Guitar Solos je Fred Frith izdal leta 1974 in si z njim utrl pot med najboljše improvizatorje ter dolga leta soustvarjal na newyorški subkulturni sceni, v zadnjem obdobju se ...
5. 2. 2018Food Tank, a US based NGO has been building a global community for safe food since 2013. It compiled a list of the most progressive young food and farming entrepreneurs.
5. 2. 2018The Stožice Arena is home to many sports enthusiasts these days, all crossing fingers for their teams at the 11th UEFA Futsal Championship. And while doing it, they're also having lots of fun.
9. 1. 2018President Borut Pahor has called on the European Commission to assume a more active role with regards to the implementation of the arbitration award on the border between Slovenia and Croatia.
29. 12. 2017Nedavna analiza zračnih in satelitskih posnetkov je omogočila najdbo več kot tisoč lokacij v Siriji, ki so povezane v obsežno obrambno in komunikacijsko mrežo iz bronaste dobe, datirano v drugo ...
18. 12. 2017In the wake of the SVIZ labor union’s announcement of a February 14 strike, fifteen other public-sector unions that make up the negotiating team led by Jakob Počivavšek have announced their ...
18. 12. 2017Austrian Marcel Hirscher won his fifth consecutive giant slalom race in Alta Badia, but Žan Kranjec warmed up Slovenia's fans by finishing 3rd.
7. 12. 2017Door-to-door rounds of the Kurent have been put on the representative list of intangible cultural heritage across the world, came the announcement from South Korea.
6. 12. 2017In the last decade the traffic load on Slovenian highway cross has increased substantially, and some of the highways have already reached the upper limit of their capacity, demanding the addition of ...
27. 11. 2017The package of amendments deals with changes of laws on recording the state's border, sea fishing, land register and intervention law regulating the rights of the inhabitants of the border area.
23. 11. 2017Goran Dragić was Miami’s top scorer with 27 points in their big win against the Boston Celtics (104:98), the team with the best record in the NBA this season.
18. 11. 2017V ljubljanskem nakupovalnem središču BTC City je potekal 4. tek na Kristalno palačo. Na dogodku z dobrodelno noto so se najvzdržljivejši spopadli s prav posebnim izzivom.
17. 11. 2017Slovenia is frequently called the land of forests. After all, it boasts a higher proportion of forest-covered territory than any other European nation outside of Scandinavia.
16. 11. 2017V soboto, 18. novembra, bo četrto leto zapored potekal tek po stopnicah na Kristalno palačo v ljubljanskem BTC-ju. Premagati bo treba 89 metrov, 20 nadstropij in 479 stopnic.