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Iskanje • award

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News in English KLS Ljubno receives a family business award

15. 6. 2017The KLS Ljubno family business received the Ernst and Young Family Business Award for Exellence at the world’s Family Business Summit in Monaco a couple of days ago.


Novice Zeleno, ki te ljubim zeleno: za turizem s trajnostnim učinkom

30. 5. 2017Slovenska turistična organizacija (STO) in Konzorcij Slovenia Green pripravljata prvi Zeleni dan slovenskega turizma, ki naj bi postal vsakoletna stalnica v prizadevanjih za trajnostno usmeritev ...


News in English Slovenia is recognised as one of the most sustainability-oriented countries

21. 5. 2017The Slovenian Tourist Board (STB) is the recipient of a prestigious prize in the field of sustainable tourism, the World Legacy Award, which is awarded each year by National Geographic.


Oglasno sporočilo Čas je za ribe

18. 5. 2017Poletje že trka na vrata, z njim pa na naše mize prihajajo še jedi, ki v sebi nosijo pridih poletnih romanc in dni brez skrbi.


News in English Recipe for success: discipline and diplomacy, says top Slovenian chef

16. 5. 2017Nestled in a valley just a few miles from the Italian border, Ana Ros' restaurant lures food-lovers from around the world with her quirky dishes: eel with pomegranate, foie gras and field chicory ...


Lepota bivanja "Rdeča pika" stole in mizo Frrrniture uvrstila med najboljše na svetu

11. 5. 2017Med letošnjimi dobitniki prestižne oblikovalske nagrade red dot je tudi slovenska znamka otroškega pohištva Frrrniture, ki jo prežemat a sporočil o trajnosti in zavedanja o pomembnosti materialov ...


Slovenija Kako bo potekalo izobraževanje 21. stoletja? Pot bo pokazala Slovenija.

10. 5. 2017"Slovenija je prva referenčna država na svetu, ki se gre sistematično in celovito preobrazbo izobraževanja," pravi Mitja Jermol z IJS-ja.


News in English This year's Slovenian Conservator Society award goes to Milan Sagadin

8. 5. 2017At noon, the Stele Award for lifetime achievements and top achievements contributing to preservation and presentation of the cultural heritage will be bestowed to Milan Sagadin.


News in English Uroš Macerl: Capital shows no mercy for the lives of people and children nor for the environment

1. 5. 2017The president of the 'Eko krog' (Eco Circle) society Uroš Macerl has returned from San Francisco, where he was awarded the prestigious Goldman environmental prize, which is likened to a Nobel Prize ...


News in English We measure. You grow.

30. 4. 2017For nearly three decades the family company LOTRIČ Meroslovje (LOTRIČ Metrology) has performed calibration, testing and certification, and developing superlative, technologically perfected and yet ...


News in English Innovativeness in Slovenian tourism – from climbing holidays to culinary train

29. 4. 2017This year the Snovalec award for innovative ideas and projects in tourism was earned by four finalists: active tourism for physically impaired persons, culinary tour by museum train, climbing ...


Drugo Vizija prenove Sao Paula prinesla uspeh slovenskim študentom

26. 4. 2017Sodelovanje na študentskem urbanističnem natečaju Schinler Global Award 2017 je na zaključku v Sao Paulu študentom z Oddelka za krajinsko arhitekturo Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani ...


News in English A grand jubilee of a representative of Slovene modernism

26. 4. 2017Artist Drago Tršar, one of the most significant and prolific representatives of Slovene modernism, celebrates his 90th anniversary.


News in English The "Nobel Prize" for environmental heroes in the hands of a Slovenian activist

24. 4. 2017This year’s prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize for environmental activists, which has been given out for 26 years now, goes to Slovenian Uroš Macerl, the president of the Eko Krog ...


News in English 81 medals for Slovenian vintners in USA

22. 4. 2017Slovenian wine again achieved excellent results at two wine competition in the USA, namely at the traditional Finger Lakes Wine Competition, and at the first Great American Wine competition ...

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