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News in English Municipality newsletters attractive for pre-election publicity

3. 10. 2014It seems some of the mayors have skilfully used municipality media for their own promotion before this year's local elections. Persecutors of corruption warn that it is non-regulated, i.e. grey zone.


News in English Will Janez Janša stay on as MP?

2. 10. 2014Parliamentary groups will decide on the fate of convicted MP Janez Janša next Tuesday. They have received a report on the matter today put together by legal experts.


News in English Štefanec is asked to recuse himself

2. 10. 2014The lawyer of former prime minister Alenka Bratušek, Aleksander Čeferin, is calling for the recusal of corruption commission president Boris Štefanec.


News in English Unofficial reports: Petition for protection of legality in Patria case rejected by the judges

1. 10. 2014The Supreme Court has announced that the decision regarding the petition for protection of legality in Patria case has been reached. Unofficial reports suggest that the appeals have been rejected.


News in English "Want alcohol? You don’t look 25, show me your ID!"

30. 9. 2014"The aim of the measure isn't setting new, higher, age limits for the purchase of alcoholic beverages. The measure only sets the age limit for checking identification documents," emphasizes the ...


News in English European Commission threatens to take back 6,5 million euros

19. 9. 2014The European Commission has threatened to pull back the 6,5 milion euros, which co-financed the buidling of the ski-biathlon center at Pokljuka.


News in English Municipalities and the state squabble with each other, while Brussels has the final say

18. 9. 2014In the last years the European funds became a lifeline for relatively heavily indebted Slovenian municipalities, also due to the overall crises.


News in English Slovenia slides down the competitiveness ranking list

3. 9. 2014Slovenia has lost eight spots in the latest global competitiveness ranking list put together by the World Economic Forum (WEF). Among 144 countries Slovenia now places 70th.


Gospodarstvo Slovenija padla na lestvici konkurenčnosti. Prehiteli so nas Gruzija, Rusija, Vietnam ...

3. 9. 2014Na lestvici globalne konkurenčnosti je Slovenija izgubila osem mest. Med 144 državami zaseda 70. mesto. Na prvo mesto so uvrstili Švico, na drugo pa Singapur.


Film in TV Ni prostora za novince: zmagoslavno slovo za Kriva pota

26. 8. 2014Podelitev emmyjev ni prinesla zamenjave na prestolu komedije: že peto leto zapored je nagrado za najboljšo humoristično serijo dobila Sodobna družina (Modern Family).


News in English Part-Time Work for Retirees in Slovenia

3. 8. 2014Pensioners from the European Union can work in all EU countries without limitations.


News in English Juncker supposedly wants Bratušek in his team. Could she be the next vice-president?

30. 7. 2014The new European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker supposedly favours the outgoing PM, Alenka Bratušek, as Slovenia's next candidate for European commissioner.


News in English Inaugural session of the National Assembly on August 1st

24. 7. 2014At today's meeting the National Electoral Commission adopted a report on the outcome of early parliamentary elections, thus, the election results are now official.


News in English Carbon monoxide fatal for a man and two dogs

13. 7. 2014In the area of the police station Gornja Radgona, a man and two dogs were found dead in a family house. Evidence seems to point to fatal carbon monoxide poisoning.


News in English Adria Airways With Good Results

7. 7. 2014Slovenian Airline Adria Airways has registered good results in the first half of 2014. They have already transferred 10% more passengers than in the same period of the previous year.


News in English Number of unemployed slightly dropped

7. 7. 2014In June the number of unemployed on a monthly level decreased by 1.9 % compared to May. The current number of unemployed is 117.352.

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