7. 3. 2018Il suo percorso umano e intellettuale per vari aspetti precorritore dei tempi e ancora oggi esemplare è ricostruito nel volume di Giacomo Scotti "La prima donna rossa istriana", uscito nelle ...
20. 1. 2018Rezultati obdukcije so pokazali, da je legendarni roker Tom Petty, ki se je oktobra lani poslovil v 67. letu starosti, umrl zaradi nenamernega predoziranja s protibolečinskimi zdravili.
2. 12. 2017Happy December is the time of celebration, holiday shopping, decoration and socialising. For many this is their favourite time of the year; but it is also one of the most expensive.
2. 11. 2017With its appealing architecture and bucolic surroundings, Bogenšperk Castle, not far from the central Slovenian town of Litija, is a popular destination for day trippers.
3. 10. 2017Svetovno znan pevec Rod Stewart bo 2. februarja prihodnje leto nastopil v zagrebški Areni, koncert pa bo zagotovo pritegnil tudi veliko Slovencev.
2. 10. 2017V 67. letu starosti je umrl Tom Petty. Glasbenika so zaradi zastoja srca v nedeljo odpeljali v bolnišnico, sledile so nasprotujoče si informacije o njegovem stanju.
27. 9. 2017Na današnji dan pred natanko 60 leti je bilo mogoče prvič v filmu videti kri v barvah, in sicer v hororju Frankensteinovo prekletstvo , v katerem sta v osrednjih vlogah nastopila Peter Cushing in ...
11. 9. 2017Only a handful of Slovenian parishes can boast more than 1000 years of existence; the Šentvid pri Stični parish is one of them. Written sources first mention it in 1016 A.D.
6. 8. 2017Now in his third term in office, Dr. Jadran Lenarčič heads the biggest and most influential research body in the country, the Jožef Stefan Institute – the leading body of Slovenian science.
21. 6. 2017The start of the holiday season is a chance for many families to get in their cars and head for the seaside tourist destinations. But that results in long queues of heated steel on the roads.
12. 6. 2017As a young man, Jurij Trunk chose to devote his life to the priesthood. Although he remained committed to God for the rest of his life, his curiosity took him across the globe.
17. 5. 2017World Telecommunication and Information Society Day: in Slovenia big data are generated by 64% of persons aged 16–74 that use the Internet every or almost every day and by 2.3 million mobile network ...
18. 2. 2017Predstavniki ameriškega združenja za glasbeno industrijo (RIAA) so sporočili, da najbolje prodajan album vseh časov v ZDA ostaja Thriller pokojnega kralja popa.