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Iskanje • weekend

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News in English Nova Gorica hosts 11th annual Festival of Roses

29. 4. 2016The 11th Nova Gorica Festival of Roses will kick off this weekend and run until the end of May.


News in English Great wine, nice country - a recipe for attracting foreigners to Brda

26. 4. 2016This week it was practically impossible to find a vacancy in the Gorška brda region – despite a threatening, almost apocalyptic weather forecast.


Glasba Beyoncé znova postregla s presenetljivo izdajo albuma

24. 4. 2016Pevka, ki je leta 2013 spremenila pravila igre in brez kakršnih koli napovedi izdala svoj peti studijski album skupaj s serijo videospotov, je ponovila vzorec in postregla z njegovih naslednikom.


News in English ManuElla presents new version of Blue and Red for Eurosong

8. 4. 2016Blue and Red, the song with which ManuElla will appear on May 12 in the first Eurovision semi-finals, got a new, final image.


News in English Massi: You misinterpreted Tina’s words

5. 4. 2016"Certain coaches do not wish my presence. You can already see some low punches," is Andrea Massi’s response, to whether he would be prepared to take over a bigger role in Slovenian skiing.


Film in TV Vatikan metal polena pod noge distribuciji gejevskega filma

18. 3. 2016Neodvisni britanski film o ljubezenski zvezi med moškima se je v Italiji izkazal za uspešnico - čeprav je Vatikan menda skušal "zamrzniti" njegovo predvajanje.


News in English Stricter criteria at the border. Slovenia rejected 154 refugees, Austria 54

15. 2. 2016Austria intends to gradually exacerbate conditions for entry of refugees into the country, but no actual measures have been adopted yet.


News in English New head coach of Slovenian basketball team, Igor Kokoškov, presents his plans

13. 2. 2016The new head coach of the Slovenian basketball team Igor Kokoškov presented his plans at Friday's press conference, noting that leading Slovenia's team is a great challenge and honour for him.


Glasba Video: Videospot skupine Coldplay utrjuje stereotipe o Indiji?

5. 2. 2016Videospot za pesem Hymn For The Weekend je v Indiji dvignil veliko prahu, saj naj bi le še utrjeval stereotipe o Indiji.


Drugo Črkarska pravda po francosko: Ne poneumljajte nam jezika!

5. 2. 2016Predlagana sprememba črkovanja za več kot dva tisoč francoskih besed je med pogumnimi Galci, kot bi jim rekli v Asterixu, povzročila vihar.


Preostali športi Walsh zmrznil pri -20 stopinjah in poslal Seattle med osem

11. 1. 2016Uvodni krog končnice Lige NFL se je začel s samimi gostujočimi zmagami. Kar dve tekmi sta bili odločeni s prostim strelom ob izteku tekme.


Preostali športi Buffalo ugnal Jetse in v končnico popeljal Pittsburgh

4. 1. 2016Končal se je redni del sezone Lige NFL, kot zadnja sta si vstopnico za končnico izborila Pittsburgh in Houston.


News in English Women's ski jumping: Silver for Maja Vtič, Takanashi wins

5. 12. 2015If morning shows the day, Slovenian female ski jumpers have a successful season ahead, since Maja Vtič has taken 2nd place at the season opening in Lillehammer.


News in English Excellent harvest of persimmons in Strunjan

5. 11. 2015In Strunjan these days are absolutely dedicated to picking persimmons. After a very poor harvest last year, this year's is one of the best, approximately 150 tons of golden apples will be harvested.

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