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Iskanje • weekend

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Blogs "A Dutch ambassador spends almost half of his time on economic diplomacy"

12. 2. 2014I was wishing for a white Christmas and New Year’s Eve, having promised my family and grandchildren they might expect a lot of snow.


News in English Disgraced MEP Zoran Thaler has admitted his guilt

30. 1. 2014"I was unwillingly pushed into Murdoch's reality show, the Sunday Times, and now I'm willingly leaving it," MEP Zoran Thaler told MMC.


Zimski športi Čestitke za junake iz Sapora deževale z vseh strani

27. 1. 2014Na izjemen slovenski uspeh smučarskih skakalcev v Saporu so se na Twitterju odzvali tudi nekateri športniki in politiki. Preverite, kaj so zapisali, in si oglejte vse uspehe 'orlov' v letošnji sezoni.


News in English Vanessa Mae qualifies for Sochi at Krvavec ski resort

20. 1. 2014Three years ago the famous violinist Vanessa Mae traded her violin for skis with one goal in mind – to participate in the Olympics. Last weekend she participated in a ski competition at Krvavec, a ...


Glasba Arctic Monkeys v boju za najboljšo britansko skupino

15. 1. 2014Med nominiranci za nagrade britanske glasbene revije NME (New Musical Express) vodi angleška indie rock skupina Arctic Monkeys.


News in English Tej Gonza: The young too often shift responsibility to intolerable economic circumstances

6. 1. 2014“We are not afraid of the international market; moreover, we see an opportunity in it for learning and growth,” says a young leader of an entrepreneurial team which in a competition of startup ...


Preostali športi Kaepernick našel recept za Green Bay tudi v ledeni tundri

6. 1. 2014Nogometaši San Francisca postajajo pravi trn v peti Green Baya. 49ersi so v prvem krogu končnice zmagali v ledenem Lambeau Fieldu s 23:20.


Preostali športi Zgodovinski preobrat Coltsov, Graham junak Saintsov

5. 1. 2014V Ligi NFL se je z "wild card" koncem tedna začela končnica. Napredovanje so si na prvih dveh tekmah zagotovili Indiana Coltsi in New Orleans Saintsi.


News in English Winners of this year’s Startup Weekend Slovenia – the team of deTENS

3. 1. 2014The team of deTENS, a winner of the Slovenian startup weekend, has contended in the Global Startup Battle (GSB) for the title of the most innovative company. The team presented their smartphone app ...


News in English 2013 was a busy year for the justice system

2. 1. 20142013 was a busy year when it came to justice. The year was marked by some important convictions of politicians, businessmen and mayors. Even a judge was convicted in 2013.


Preostali športi V končnico Philadelphia in Green Bay, srečko izžrebal San Diego

30. 12. 2013Zadnji krog rednega dela Lige NFL je postregal z nekaj rekordi in dramami, ki so v končnico popeljale Green Bay, Philadelphio in San Diego.


Glasba Tuja glasba v 2013: Nalezljive uspešnice, "seksistični" spoti in odločno preveč Miley

29. 12. 2013Leto 2013 v glasbi je sicer postreglo z nekaj kakovostnimi presežki, a zdi se, da so jih krepko zasenčili takšni in drugačni ekscesi, samopromocijske poteze in javna debata o seksizmu v glasbi.


Glasba Grammyji 2014: Jay Z ima devet nominacij, a se bo za "smetano" obrisal pod nosom

7. 12. 2013Get Lucky (Daft Punk), Radioactive (Imagine Dragons), Royals (Lorde), Locked Out of Heaven (Bruno Mars) in Blurred Lines (Thicke s T. I.-jem in Pharrellom) - nominiranci za posnetek leta na ...


News in English Tina Maze: I believe the light will be strong again soon

5. 12. 2013"Result-wise I've had one of the worst weekends in the past few years. Yes, it's pretty shocking, but it's not as bad as it seems," wrote Tina Maze on her blog.


News in English Ski season is officially open

30. 11. 2013The Slovenian ski slopes are opening for the winter season today. The managers say the instrumentation on Vogel, Krvavec, Rogla, Golte and Kranjska Gora will start working this weekend.


News in English Rafters secure bronze at World Cup

22. 11. 2013In the second day of the World Championship in rafting, which is being hosted by New Zealand, Slovenia won the bronze medal.

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